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.frenchytrump country aka the silent majority would never let that happen
skiermanLOL nothing screams racist like "silent majority" which means angry white men.
.frenchynothing screams beta like crying about racism in every post you cuck
TOAST.Nothing screams douche like calling someone beta.
.frenchyfound 2 more betas^
hubbardsWell, that's all, folks. You can't argue with someone who thinks this way, and he's surely not the only one.
Newschoolers is clearly not a politics platform, and it shows. None of you will ever consider if your opinion is mislead.
DirtYStylEWhat I want: Muller’s report to make it to the justice department.
skiermanYou have no fucking clue what a special counsel is, do you?
DirtYStylEWhat I want: Muller’s report to make it to the justice department.
Not sure how you think this is a mislead statement, but here’s some sauce to spice things up.
There’s been one impeachment for a blowjob. Not for the act, but because he lied.
The other is the watergate scandals.
Lets see on what grounds he should be impeached.
Collusion with another foreign power to sway the election - which is what the muller report is about.
Obstruction of justice
There are over a dozen rape allegations
He won’t release his taxes. Tax evasion
Shocking that there’s more than one
T.L.The Mueller report has made it to the DOJ. It came from the DOJ you ding dong. The house intel committee can go see the unredacted report that contains active grand jury material in a SCIF any time they like but to my knowledge none of them have gone to see it because they already know what's in it. A big fat nothingburger (on trump that is). They just want to make a spectacle saying that Barr isn't cooperating. It's like saying your mommy doesn't love you because she wont deliver the tendies she made for you that are sitting on the counter. Go get it yourself and stop having a temper tantrum.
Clinton's impeachment was not for getting a blowjob, it was for lying to congress which is a crime.
"Collusion" is not a definable crime under US law. It was a term that was injected into our vernacular because it's so purposely vague and sounds spooky. If you're going to conclude that Trump "cuhloooded" with russia, you're going to have to do something that Mueller couldn't do with $30+ million and 2 years of investigating, and that's finding a specific crime to prosecute on. Spoiler alert, you wont. Trump is the most thoroughly vetted president in history and he's still here.
Obstruction of Justice: Can't happen, won't happen. "Trump fired Comey" Of course he did. He had total authority to fire an FBI director who was caught leaking false info to the press. He had total authority to fire an FBI director who, on multiple occasions, was handing out sweetheart immunity deals to pals of his who were destroying evidence that was under congressional subpoena. Can't. Fucking. Do. That. And. Keep. Your. Job.
MSM's hero, Rod Rosenstein backed it too! The same Rod Rosenstein who hired Mueller thought it was appropriate to fire Comey. The same Rod Rosenstein that altered the scope of his investigation multiple times each time a fake "lead" lead nowhere.
Rape allegations? lol. I thought we were over this. The latest allegation of which has written a book about it only to get onto national TV to say that it never happened and that "rape is sexy". Every time someone accuses trump of misconduct, they turn themselves into a meme. Next.
"muh tax returns" - He's under ZERO legal obligations to release his tax returns. Just because past presidents have released them voluntarily doesn't mean Trump has to. Saying that's tax evasion is retarded and you know it. If you don't, you're retarded. He says they're under perpetual audit by the IRS. If they could find anything I'm sure CNN would be the first to know but here we are, decades of audits later and still nothing. We all know what's going to be in them anyway. Trump complies with the tax law to the letter to make sure he keeps the most money possible. It's what we all do.
The only people that would find it shocking are the retard bernie/AOC socialists screaming about "muh corporations" who can't distinguish the difference between revenue and profit.
If he's guilty of a real crime, by all means, I'll help ya drag him outta office, but this is absolutely absurd that we're still juggling fake media talking points that haven't panned out after almost 3 YEARS! It's gone so far that people who have been cheerleaders against him are so emotionally invested that they can't objectively look at it from any angle other than orange man bad.
DirtYStylEYeah and the 34 indictments during the investigation mean nothing. It only took 5 for Nixon
DirtYStylEWhat I want: Muller’s report to make it to the justice department.
Not sure how you think this is a mislead statement, but here’s some sauce to spice things up.
There’s been one impeachment for a blowjob. Not for the act, but because he lied.
The other is the watergate scandals.
Lets see on what grounds he should be impeached.
Collusion with another foreign power to sway the election - which is what the muller report is about.
Obstruction of justice
There are over a dozen rape allegations
He won’t release his taxes. Tax evasion
Shocking that there’s more than one
weastcoastImpeach him for what
skiermanFor being an un-indicted co-conspirator in two counts of felony campaign finance violations for starters..... for being a creep that wants to (and possibly has) fucked his own daughter... ya know, basic bitch stuff.
T.L.Low effort, low iq, made up shit.
You sound like Mr. Rachel Maddow.
Coconspirator? If that was true, Mueller would have explicitly said so. He didnt.
skiermanCohen provided evidence showing the payoffs. Mueller's investigation was only about Russian interference in our elections and if the Trump campaign knowingly conspired with Russia. His investigation had nothing to do with Trump paying off hookers with campaign money, you fucking idiot.
DieselFordsI really want Joe Biden to sniff my soft long blonde hair so badly
DeebieSkeebiesWhy are we even having a freedom parade if we aren't flexing on the world with missles and shit like NK does?
T.L.#2, if you want to talk about Cohen, sure.
Michael Cohen's charges had nothing to do with the special council and were referred out to the SDNY BECAUSE they had nothing to do with it. They were all process crimes.
T.L.You don't have the correct information or the intellectual bandwidth to be having a conversation on a topic so vast and so massively misrepresented in the media you consume.
DirtYStylEBump for Mulkers testimony today. The inquest needs to move to the House so we can wrap this up.
.frenchytrump train full speed ahead
skiermanRight into jail.
Trump now faces two counts of felony campaign finance violations and multiple counts of obstruction of justice once he's voted out in 2020.
T.L.You must be living in a different dimension... or maybe BuzzFeed is your homepage.. same thing I guess.
SendyMcSendyfaceWho's hyped for the boogaloo
skiermanRight into jail.
Trump now faces two counts of felony campaign finance violations and multiple counts of obstruction of justice once he's voted out in 2020.
.frenchyFAKE NEWS! SAD!
T.L.skierboi's bedtime story
.frenchyhahahaha, skierman was a lot cooler like 5 years ago. back on the original skiierman account when he wrecked noobs, not when he was sucking the dick of liberal media
.frenchyhahahaha, skierman was a lot cooler like 5 years ago. back on the original skiierman account when he wrecked noobs, not when he was sucking the dick of liberal media
skierman"Durr he make fun of papa Trump, he no funnies anymore!"
Go back to sucking on Trump's bung hole in your Fox News safe space, snowflake.
Rotten_TrumpkinsAct II