finderProbably not tonna engage further, but I'll bite for now. The radical Islamist groups all tend to be from similar areas that take advantage of poverty caused by toppling nations that were brought down by one proxy rebel group funded by the US or another militant/oil interested nation. It's a repeating cycle which is how this trillion dollar industry is able to lobby for more offensive wars that get them more weapons deals with Saudi Arabia that end up in the hands of the taliban, not to mention the bombs dropped on schools in Yemen with "Made in the USA" printed on them. How about bombing countries that didn't attack us?
What about the super great economy where almost all of the new income has gone to the top 1%? Escalation is what leads to radical groups anyway, but baby boomers with the military industrial complex don't care because they're just more war opportunities that will generate the incumbent more re election funding.
Not gonna waste any more of my time talking about healthcare, but people don't die of type 1 diabetes in Scandinavia/most of the developed world because they are unable to afford insulin.
Ok in-between sets now. So you said terror attacks aren't happening in countries where the us hasn't invaded. Sri Lanka, France, Kenya, many many more. Read a book and see the world you commie