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Sewiouswy? You'we weawwy sewious wight now? I cannot teww if I have sensowy pwobwems ow if I actuawwy just witnessed a statement with such an immense amount of sheew stupidity. You know, I have seen the most bizawwe things fwom some guy in cwass jewking it to Wonawd Weagan tentacwe hentai, to peopwe winking Chewnobyw to penis-shaped awiens, but youw comment is by faw the most fucking idiotic thing I have evew had the kind of howwibwe fucking wuck one wequiwes to heaw youw stupid fucking post. Fwom this point on, when I think of you, I wiww imagine a diseased tuwtwe taking an enowmous dump, with so much unbewievabwy wawge amounts of shit that aww the pwotons inside of the methyw suwfide this howwendous cwap contains spontaneouswy fuse into uwanium-235 that I can use to shove a nuke up youw sub-mentaw ass. You can wwite that off as an exaggewation but it is 100% twue fwom the bottom of my awweady-empty heawt. I wegitimatewy think that you wack intewwigence. I wouwd say you'we mentawwy unstabwe but then I couwdn't bwame the tewwibwy ignowant fucking post on you. I witewawwy cannot compwehend how amazingwy dimwitted youw dumb ass is. I have twoubwe undewstanding the waws of physics, space, and time as if aww waws of weawity have been devastated and disintegwated due to how dense you awe. I couwd wwite a damn book on youw wack of intewwigence that is so wong, one couwd wead the entiwe Sewies of Unfowtunate Events sewies, watch the entiwe Godfathew twiwogy, and invent fucking time twavew itsewf befowe it couwd even be pubwished undew a fiwst edition. Hawf-Wife 3 wouwd be weweased centuwies befowe I couwd finish the fiwst chaptew descwibing youw puwewy pointwess state of mind. I honestwy cannot teww if you wewe abused too much ow not abused enough, because you cweawwy did not go to schoow enough to get a pwopew fucking education. To quote Geowge Washington, "Associate with men of good quawity if you esteem youw own weputation; fow it is bettew to be awone than in bad company." In that case, I'm getting as faw away fwom you as possibwe. Heww, I'm actuawwy uniwonicawwy considewing moving to Macquawie Iswand just to be isowated fwom youw bwain ceww-kiwwing wowds fow the west of my now-misewabwe wife. I wouwd wathew go insane fwom thinking about you to the point whewe I puww a Cast Away and considew sexuaw wewations with a vowweybaww than actuawwy spending time anywhewe neaw you. Thewe is honestwy no othew way of putting it; you'we an iwwitating asshowe who contwibutes absowutewy nothing to this awweady dweadfuw pwanet. And that's saying a wot considewing the fact that I've heawd of cawbon dioxide wevews weaching 400 pawts pew miwwion, Donawd Twump becoming pwesident, and toxic fucking comment sections that contain youw stupid buwwshit. And again I go, being confused by whatevew quantum physics you awe using to defy the waws of physics with youw stupidity, to the point whewe I'm saying you awe wowse than youwsewf. I have nothing ewse that is most definitewy as howwibwe as you to compawe to except you youwsewf. How does that make you feew? Wike a tuwtwe taking a nucweaw shit? I weawwy don't have a singwe shit to give anyway, because you awe wiving pwoof that thewe is no hope fow humanity weft. Weawwy went downhiww aftew that whowe thing whewe Wome feww; that made a wot of peopwe pissed off. But not as pissed off as I am aftew weading youw stupid shit. No, buddy, if I shouwd even caww you that, I am not pissed off at youw comment. I am FUWIOUS. I am so fuwious that I wiww pewsonawwy take that wadioactive tuwtwe shit mysewf just so I can wid the wowwd of youw baffwing wevews of unaduwtewated dowtishness. You awe mowe duww than oxygenated magnesium ow even a samuwai swowd that hasn't been shawpened fow a thousand yeaws. And you bettew be gwad that the swowd is duww, because if it wasn't, it wouwd be shoved up youw ass just wike the nucweaw tuwtwe shit. I am so fucking angwy that even watching an Adam Sandwew movie wiww make me happiew than I am wight now. If the Gweeks made a god of stupidity, you wouwd be the cwosest candidate to that fucking wowe. It's not a good thing when you'we so fucking unintewwigent that peopwe wike Socwates wouwd get on theiw toga-weawing-ass knees to wowship youw dumb fucking ass. That's when you need to weconsidew obviouswy pointwess wife choices. Wead a fucking book fow cwying out woud, man! What the witewaw fuck is wwong with you? Aftew this fiasco I wiww need at weast 12 houws of buiwding up sanity with my psychiatwist. Aftew this she wiww need to pwescwibe Witawin that I wiww have to take 5 times an houw just to pwevent me fwom snapping because of youw disgusting act of stupidity. Youw post gave me type 5 syphiwis, which I didn't even fucking know existed untiw I fewt itchy dick. Thanks a fucking wot. That was sawcasm, by the way, if you'we too stupid to undewstand what that is (you pwobabwy awe). Is it even wegaw fow someone to be enough of a dumbass to make someone expewience these sowts of emotions? Witnessing youw stupid shit was wike cwawwing thwough the depths of Tawtuwus itsewf and Cwevewand. I have no wowds to descwibe this unintewwigibwe shit yet I have so many. Once mowe, a pawadox caused by stupid tuwtwe shit. I have the most uncomfowtabwe uwge to stwangwe you Edgaw Awwan Poe stywe, you eviw-eyed, bwack cat piece of fuck. Put that on youw fucking tombstone. Fow Pete's sake man, you have dwained awmost evewy wast sane bwain ceww I have devewoped evew since my unpwanned biwth and made my wife mowe unenjoyabwe than it has to be you fucking chowestewow-widden shit. I awweady considew jumping in fwont of a steamwowwew whenevew I wook at my ugwyass wefwection in the miwwow, and then you come awong and do this stupid fucking shit. Making me think of tuwtwe shit infused with uwanium-235. I'ww punch you so fucking fast the fowce of youw damn teeth bweaking wiww cause nucweaw fusion to happen fwom aww the damn kinetic enewgy and make you impwode into youw possibwy nonexistent dick. You want to defy wogic, I wiww too mothewfuckew. You'we possibwy the most ignowant piece of fuck I have had the unfowtunate chance to stumbwe upon in the butthowe of the intewnet. I hope that shittyass post was wowth it because I am going to kick youw shitposting ass if I evew cwoss paths with you. Eat nucweaw tuwtwe shit.