skiermanI think you should be asking the fake instagram activists who are building an image around being "environmentally conscious" what they're doing to combat climate change, and not those criticizing them for their bullshit.
Well maybe, but as attention whorey as they might be these people make up only a tiny percentage of our overall population. Most skiers don't make it too far out of the mainstream and I'd bet most of my friends, even the ones who shred, aren't aware of these people. Vaguely, at best.
Maybe should spend more time examining our own lives and having productive conversations with friends/ acquaintances rather than shitting on instagram "stars". There are actual people out there with fucking tons of money and power swaying policy over and over again in all aspects of the environment around us.. pushing back on emissions regulations, defunding research on pollution effects in population, pushing for coal (lol) and natural gas/ fracking, reducing public lands. etc etc etc. These are the people with extensive wealth to make actual change that affects most of us negatively. To sway markets that affect your and my bottom line. But instead we're all here bitching about one person on insta with relatively miniscule power. LOL. I do admit, it's a lot easier to shit on a "celeb" than to dive deep into these issues but... oh well