Replying to The Earth Thread
So yeah I'm a carnivore and that will probably not change anytime soon. I drive a gasoline car. I fly to ski (although FYI it is less polluting than driving cross country). Not all my lights are LED or fluorescent. I don't own any solar panels, except maybe my calculator. Lastly I utilize tons of products and resources that are quite bad for the environment.
What am I am trying to get at is that yeah I have plenty of things I could do better to protect the earth and its natural resources. I'm a hypocrite. However what I really created this thread for is to rant about things that are bad for the environment and there's not much way around it. As well as things that just really irk me.
For example:
-Styrofoam: says recyclable but practically no recycling facilities accept it because it's cheaper to put in landfills, the ocean, or burn rather than recycle. It pisses me off. >75% of restaurants use Styrofoam. It's used as a liner in practically every cooler on earth. It's used as packing materials in pretty much everything. The worst part is it takes longer than fucking plastic to degrade...
-Plastic and trash in the ocean: who in their right mind ever thought this was not going to end as a disaster? The ocean's are beyond polluted and contain micro particles of plastic that kill marine life. More recently I saw an article about a whale who died because it's gut was full of plastic bags. I fucking hate people who litter, especially cities and countries who do it in the ocean.
-Cigarette butts: yeah it's littering and yeah animals will eat them. You're a bad person if you don't dispose properly of these. Also cigarettes are gross.
-Disrespect of park and trail systems: this happens all the time, but it was alarming to see how bad people were when the gov shut down early this year. Because there was no enforcement in many closed areas, people literally destroyed things in national parks. Someone even cut down Joshua trees. Wtf. If leave no trace had a score, we as a society would be negative right now.
-3rd world and Asian countries: yes I understand the US is up there on the pollution list but places like India and China are on a whole other level. Nothing we can do to change the minds of people; many whom are just struggling to survive.
I understand that it's hard to get people to change habits for lifestyle such as eating and commuting but idk how people can just litter and do other things along those lines. We see those effects immediately and the after effects are only recently starting to fully come into view.
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