MUTEDLTD.It’s happened to us before. Changing the pitch or base of the song can help, but we still get dinged every once in awhile and have to sign one of those appeal notices - this has even occurred for videos that we’ve reposted from our riders without a song involved, so it’s across the board that they’re cracking down with their algorithm. The trick is that there’s different versions of notifications they give you for the copy right they’re claiming, so you might be able to learn more depending on which notification they showed you.
The ones I’ve seen are:
- warner brothers/sony makes you read a long thing about how they have the rights and you have to give an explanation to them AND you have to wait for them to approve it
- the simple one where they just ask you to sign and they usually post it back to your page almost immediately
- a notice saying the video is restricted in X, Y, Z, etc countries and won’t be shown to those audiences.
I’ve read a decent amount about shadowbanning and even though insta denies it shadowbans, there’s evidence out that there that also shows your engagement decreases, not just removal of posts, when things like this happen, and at least for us it’s varied based on which type of notice of copyright they give you.
This is just our 2¢ & experience though. Google around, you’ll probably learn a little more about it, how to avoid getting your page in trouble with insta’s terms, and get tips from others too. Hope this helps.
I've got a friend and her art account has 11k followers, but she's shadowbanned and the algorithm fucked her over and gets >1000 likes a post, normally around 500