AbiHSo many ODs
Wat de fok???
One of the big problems with ODs is people not knowing the quality/strength of the drug. You can shoot up X anount of heroin from bag A and barely get high. You can shoot up half that amount from bag B and OD.
If drugs are legalized of course people will OD and die. But shockingly, with drugs being illegal and completely unregulated people are def ODing right now.
Also taxing drugs and putting that money toward treatment could help things. Hopefully dialing in a plan to make it less sketch for users and then hopefully have less random needles lying around on the ground. Thats a tricky one but there are already some things in place.
Putting money into our gov and helping the people that live here makes way more sense than funding cartels but hell, lets keep it illegal. Im sure people south of the border are stoked.
If we legalized drugs, there would probably be some sort of spike initially of people doing it because they'd be thinking about it. Some drugs like heroin, the laws aren't what's stopping people from doing it. People don't want to fuck with opiates because they dont want to get addicted. If heroin and meth were legalized tomorrow most people wouldnt be any more likely to try it.
There are so many ODd right now. Let's do something usefull. There's no perfect sollution but it's been proven over and over that prohibition is a shittt strategy. It's been 100 years since prohibition, lke 75-80 since marijuana tax act. Hell weed is still hilariously illegal in most of this stupid country. Hopefully we keep putting people in jail, watching people id, and funding cartels because people are scared people might OD on drugs if theyre legal. Fucking great strategy