Where my scientists at. The last few times i've gone up i've taken my goggles out of the warm car, and put them on my head, duh. Its cold outside (yeah) but i've been getting a layer of fog between the two goggle lenses, so that it cannot be wiped off. There's been nothing I can do about it, including going into the bathroom and running them under the hand warmer. The fog layer will let up a little if I take them off on the lift and expose the whole lens to cold, but it basically stays the whole day. It really messes things up.
Why is this happening and is there a way to avoid it?
I was thinking maybe hold the goggles outside the window for a few miles before I get to the parking lot so that they get cold. Dunno if that would help. It can't be damage to the lens surface because the fog is between the lenses.