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Greatest Ski Day That You've Ever had?
Posts: 204
Karma: 744
On my last thread, it was fun to know that i wasn't the only one with one shit show of a day; However, it did make me sad and crank up some Nickelback. I wanna hear your best day you have ever experienced! The day that made those lil nipples rock hard.
For me, it was a sunny spring day in the park with some of my good friends that i dont get to ski with much. We used to take it so seriously, and we never really had the greatest of days. We would push ourselves constantly with new tricks and grabs and would turn into pissed off degenerates when we would crash. Honestly looking back its fun to laugh about now, but i should've lived in the moment a little more.
Anyways, the boys were out, full force, Speakers pumping at the bottom of the park. We decided to make a rule that we could not spin more then 3's, but if you rotated oppo it cancelled out the spin. We just did lap after lap of the wackiest shit ( popping off rails early to daffy to hand drag 180s off rollers, you name it). I never had a better ski day than this. One of the boarders that rode with us passed away shortly after and we still bring this day up constantly to remember him.
It was fun just to be loose and not a try hard for a change! made me love it more then ever and totally changed my look on the park game. Now i just prefer to ski as wacky as possible and do Indian peacocks every chance I get. No hate to those who are throwing big tricks and going hard in the paint, you guys do your thing it looks dope.
Posts: 148
Karma: 556
Any day on the skiing is the best
Posts: 58
Karma: 327
Sun Peaks, Jan 2019 with all the boys. Dumped snow all night, got first tracks of the morning in the trees. Kept snowing through the day. Surfing through the trees all day, trying stupid jumps and tricks to the pow landings, good laughs.
**This post was edited on Feb 28th 2019 at 1:30:18am
Posts: 1630
Karma: 10,952
Monday, 2 weeks ago. Ended up timing everything perfectly and hit within the first 15 chairs almost everywhere. I basically chased the weather holds around and got fucking rewarded. Ended up getting thigh deep freshies on all of my favorite spots which is a rare thing to happen in Mammoth.
Posts: 9450
Karma: 69,362
Ducked tiger tail 2 years ago at snowbird all day on a 2 foot pow day in April with a friend of mine. It was amazing, and we figured if we got caught worth it. And we didnt get caught
Posts: 3226
Karma: 6,840
As someone else said every day of skiing is awesome so it’s hard to say one is the best. But here’s two favorites:
Park: unspecified sunny spring day 2 years ago lapping Loon with the whole crew, probably 15-20 of us. Someone convinced me to do a pencil 12 off the biggest jump (/claim) and was all around a great day sliding rails and messing around with the boys.
Pow: Japan last January. Woke up early, had a nice breakfast watching the snow come down hard outside. Got on the skin track early then skied blower, untracked waist deep pow all day. Skied back to the hotel and ate really nice sushi before soaking in the natural hot spring and going to sleep as it continued to dump snow. Pretty much the penultimate day right there
Posts: 38
Karma: 195
December 27th, 2017. It was the sickest pow day of my entire life, only time I've ridden waist deep untracked snow so far
Posts: 3071
Karma: 831
My best day was either spent at Steven's Pass, things were just starting to warm up and had a blast with a friend of mine out there... Probably runner up would be the time I took LSD and skiied park at Buck Hill in MN. Super small hill but a good view (my home "mountain") got my first 7 that day and the sky started to turn rainbow (mostly due to the quality of the drugs) so pretty fuckin epic.
Posts: 945
Karma: 594
Can’t narrow it down to one day but any spring slush day when the sun is out and the park is on point at carinthia is the best day. When all the homies are there and u got a hard cider and a jizzy, The absolute best time imo
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