Hansel9001The snowfall there is absurd. They have 320 inches and its only February. I think if they could add new mountains to make up for their relatively small vert (1600 ft) they would be a very big attraction to rich vacationers and condo buyers. They literally have a blank canvas to build
a gorgeous village however they want. Im thinking it could become the deer valley of colorado, real estate wise.
Maybe, maybe not. It's within the national forest so I'm gonna say no to condos and houses, maybe to expansion of the resort boundaries. They're pretty decent size considering total acreage even with their short vertical.
This year was the first year I've been there and I would be against this idea. There's a reason I don't go to places like Deer Valley and Breckenridge...
It's so far from the nearest airport that unless a closer one is built, this would probably never become a busy place anyway. Development would be a waste of money.