Replying to Is wind hold killing Squaw Valley?
I've been skiing at Squaw off and on for 18 years now and I've never seen as much wind hold on the lifts as we're seeing this season. I work for myself in SF and can drive up to Tahoe pretty much any time I want. If anyone could plan trips around the conditions it's someone like me. The equation for a non-local without a pass just doesn't work anymore. Every single time I've tried to go this season it's been wind hold. For me, given the other options, It's just not worth the money to only ski KT or only hit the upper mountain on blue bird days when everything is tracked out and turning to corn, or go to Alpine instead, which itself is definitely not worth Squaw money. I've gone up to Tahoe 5 or so times this season and only used 1 day of my 4 pack because I'd rather spend on good conditions and open lifts somewhere else than run down the 4-pack for limited terrain just bc I already spent the money. I would return my unused days for a refund in an instant if I could. I'm over it. You locals enjoy!
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