STEEZUS_CHRI5TFront flips are pretty safe. Try it first. You don’t know what it’s like to misty with you tips in the way.
Yup this is exactly what happened, I did it off a fuckin little 8 foot jump and couldn't bring it around. Another thing I learnt with this... Skis are hefty to bring around in the air, I did like a 90 to Lincoln and landed on my back, I couldn't see jack shit. but I like backslapped and ski'd out (camera man didn't catch it). This was the last run so I hiked up a little bit and tried to hit the 10 foot jump and just throw harder/pop harder, I ski skate ski skate ski skate and I've got like no fuckin speed, so I said whatever I'll make it. I kinda half pop but was decent enough to go with I throw over shoulder (again this time can't see shit, ill go with the feel) I get about 100 degrees upside down comin down, waaay not enough speed I'm landing in the racer knee suck zone. one of my tip gets caught on the knuckle and I go bouncing down the landing, kinda on my head but whatever didn't hurt. TBH I almost brought the second one around, I feel if I opted for a larger jump or had more speed I would have stomped it.
I'll keep at it though, got the fear out of the way thats whats important. And honestly for anyone who wants to do flips but is scared, throw it that shit was the funnest I may have ever had on skiis and I haven't even landed it yet.
EDIT: The rotation felt right, maybe more inverted then I should have been. Like my skis are supposed to be level to my head not over right, I haven't seen the clip in a few hours so I don't know but any advice on the rotation(or the half of it haha) would be dope! thanks!
I'll post the vid in a sec.
P.S next time I'll head your advice.
**This post was edited on Apr 22nd 2019 at 12:34:29am
**This post was edited on Apr 22nd 2019 at 12:35:31am