LineSkierThe liners are starting to separate? I don't think I would've guessed a liner issue based on what you're describing. Then again I don't think I would have guessed anything if you mostly have problems when you're backseat bc no gear can protect you from back seat hurt.
Yeah, there is an internal layer (layer closest to the foot) that is separating from the rest of the liner in both liners in the heel area. It is folding up/bunching and causing the heels to crease. It (apparently) causes pain along my achilles region. The pain is felt most prominently when I get back seat on landings. Its a weird place to get pain and I've never had it before putting like 25-30 days on these liners, and it started slowly and got worse. The bootfitter said he thought the pain is because the liners are coming apart.
I got these boots before the season started. Have 43 days on them. To be honest, I've stupidly only rarely pulled the liners and footbeds out after skiing to let them dry properly a few times. I'm now doing it every time. So not taking proper care of them is on me. But even given that, I don't think the liners should be as screwed up as they are. They are K2 boots and liners. The K2 website says to take them to the point of sale for warranty issues. I got them from Evo, so I'm gonna take them in. I just have a feeling the Evo guys aren't going to understand shit about what I show them.
I read online that Intuition says their liners are good for at least 100 days.
**This post was edited on Feb 8th 2019 at 7:57:44pm