Obviously I could wax them and they'd prob be fine but I'm curious as to why this is occurring. The skis in particular are my park skis (yeah they're Afterbangs don't judge) that I hardly ever use anymore, however I probably waxed them maybe 5 ski days ago within the past year. More recently I skied in 60F spring conditions and they felt fine as they always do, then a few days later I skied in a few inches of snow in the mid 20's and I was getting mad suction. It almost felt like hitting a sunny spot on a spring day and getting slowed down. This was super frustrating as people snowplowing were easily going faster than me straightlining it. It really took a lot of fun out of the day.
Upon inspecting my skis today, they are very shiny and super smooth on the bases which is unusual and no it's not wax that needs scraped off.
My thoughts are this either needs waxed? Base grind? Open it up with a brass brush?
Any thoughts on what's going on here? Did the warm temps mess it all up?