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Stop copying snowboarders!!
Posts: 1014
Karma: 25
Ok lately this has been really pissing me off. Now i understand that we get a lot of ideas from snowboarders but we don't need to copy their every action goddammit. For example, in the booter crunk teaser (which i have to admit was sweet) all the guys were doing those tree tap things. Those are sweet and all and a new thing being done on skis. But honestly, we need our own ski vocabulary (why would we copy the way the idiots talk?!!?), our own ski tricks and our own ski IDEAS. C'mon guys we're better than this and we need to show it. Everyone start posting ideas you have about new tricks and and grinds and any shit like that everywhere so we can get the word for new tricks out. Try things that snowboarders don't do. I'm not saying snowboarding is a bad sport without style or anything but skiing is skiing. Come up with some fucking new ideas. Like that soul plate idea for example even though that idea really sucked at least they tried. In fact go ahead and post any ideas you have for any aspect of skiing here. Lets get this started. I don't wanna here any of this 'revolution' bullshit til we actually start revolutionizing. We have been inspired to get a ton of tricks from snowboarding but it's time to move on and make skiing more original. Otherwise we'll go just back to where we started only with cooler clothes and snowboard tricks.
Put an end to this bullshit, were skiers not snowboarders.
Feb 16 2005 12:31AM
Posts: 4425
Karma: 41
daffys. daffys and double daffys. and maybe some cossacks.
Mercy's eyes are blue
When she places them in front of you
Nothing holds a roman candle to
The solemn warmth you feel inside
Posts: 8586
Karma: 34
Shut up becky!
It's the batontwirlertwistshakebakecakeholehumperdinkkink rail.
Posts: 7516
Karma: -1,227
hahaha, lead the revolution my friend. what you need to realize is that snowboarding and skiing are nearly two in the same.
and more, much more than this, I did it my way
'So you're a skier?'
'No, I prefer to refer to myself as a double boarder'
Posts: 1014
Karma: 25
Posts: 3608
Karma: 90
i say we name everything after different types of foods
siggyshmiggy bo-diggy
Posts: 12544
Karma: 74
no. we should be honoured to be able to copy snowboarding.
~Phunkin Phatt Phreerider~
Capital City Rider, DFP
Silent Army
'Everybody calls me a zero. But I'm an internet hero.'
Posts: 557
Karma: 40
You can crotch Grind on rails.
Snowboarders can't spread their legs like that.
WEEE I'm Special, I live Under the Bridge!!
Posts: 3608
Karma: 90
like quarter pounder with cheese is a tailpress but if you hold the pickles, its just a heel press
siggyshmiggy bo-diggy
Posts: 2431
Karma: 14
yeah um, snowboarders were doing alot of the shit first, so they get that right to name it. just like chads is named after a skier but even snowboarders use that name. besides, I, and probably alot of others, ski with alot of snowboarders, and having two names for the same thing gets confusing. imagine if every language based its words off eachothers, in effect making every word a cognate, wouldn't that make learning new languages easier? same concept here, dont overly complicate things.
'but think if i fall in love with a super model and she only gets wet in the pants by kids who no calc shit i wanta be READYYYYYYYYY!!!!!' - (0)jarjar(0)
'Hey, check out those chicks up there'
'dude, they have child lift tickets'
Posts: 8586
Karma: 34
So you would rather call a backside lipslide something like a 'backwards reverse skier slide' or some stupid shit.
Using one universal name for the sports works much better.
I am yet to see one post from you that doesn't piss me off.
It's the batontwirlertwistshakebakecakeholehumperdinkkink rail.
Posts: 1014
Karma: 25
lanks: We have been honored to copy snowboarders but it's time to move on. We need to start coming up with some new shit.
Posts: 2607
Karma: 123
skiing is gay
do the chickens have large talons?
Posts: 849
Karma: -4
I really feel what you are saying. I think we are starting to copy snowboarders' style gradually. I do honestly think that snowboarding is leaps and bounds beyond us in just about every category. Their movies are sicker, their clothing is better, and usually, their tricks have so much style.
Even though skiing has been around for ages, our aspect of the sport is brand new. As we get more talented skiers, more influence from different types of people, we will evolve our own style. I think we are headed in the right direction.
I just think skiers should do what they want, and stop trying to look and act like their favorite pro skier (not that pro skiers are bad or anything). I like kids like Tanner who really did something different.... he fused urban lifestyle with an alpine sport.... I think that is so rad.
Ski for the fun of it, not just to look cool to other people on your mountain. i love Peter Olenick's approach to skiing... he just kind of acts goofy, and has rediculous hair, and is kind of lurpy, but he has so much fun, and makes others want to do what he does. That is admirable.
'Ear me nah, bloodclot lickle rude bwai, nahmesay, ya knaw?
Posts: 1014
Karma: 25
k2ripper, why the fuck are you on this site and why do you own skis?
Posts: 658
Karma: 85
Its better than copying rollerblading.
Posts: 255
Karma: 11
chill, chill, chill man. the progression will come. our sport has and will continue to evolve. however, this isn't something you can force and it is not going to happen overnight.
Posts: 763
Karma: 11
skiing rules
Being out there skiing every day, good or bad, just playing around with friends, with no contests or filming- that is the real spirit of skiing for me. that is why i started skiing, and if i lose those moments that is what will make me stop skiing.
Posts: 1014
Karma: 25
Thank you MHfreeriderD. Couldn't have said it better myself. I ski with snowboarders all the time and we definitely need to keep the tricks we have with the same names. I just really think skiers aren't thinking as independently as they could be. lests just start coming up with more of our own ideas. THANK YOU to everyone who made intelligent posts.
Posts: 255
Karma: 11
^are you having a bad day?
Posts: 1164
Karma: 14
'skiing is gay' sad but true.
and for some reason when you leave trick names up to skiers you get... 'dinner roll','daffy','iron cross','helicoptor'.. I could go on but I dont really want to, you kids need to relax and realize that skiing is just skiing and trick names arnt gonna change how cool you are if you can do them.. unless its a dinner roll because if you can do that then you can do anything.
'you cant put a price on being cool' - Big Fish
'canadians have bigger dinks then americans.. and thats a fact' - T2
Posts: 1790
Karma: 13
Posts: 312
Karma: 11
yo yo yo guy, i guess you hvaent realized homie, snowboarding is cooler than skiing!
its easy to sound smart on the internet, guy
criminal life, for real
Posts: 332
Karma: 14
snowboarding movies are definently NOT sicker than ski vids
-ripley ripper-
Posts: 1623
Karma: 15
This is a very gay post, who cares if we use ythe same words as some boarders, it's allowed... Skier's don't need their own damn language just to seperate from snowboaders. I dont have a problem w/ them, only the snow plowing bithces
D BREES 101 Cult
Land Shark eeee eee eee
Posts: 278
Karma: 13
id have to say snowboarding movies are wwwaaaayyy better than skiing movies.
Posts: 12544
Karma: 74
im gonna have to go ahead and agree with you.
~Phunkin Phatt Phreerider~
Capital City Rider, DFP
Silent Army
'Everybody calls me a zero. But I'm an internet hero.'
Posts: 1461
Karma: 26
i don't know man. i don't think there is anything wrong with copying snbrding because it is a sport that has tons of respect and tons of killer athletes pushing it in the right direction. take at look at x games stuff, winning run in pipe had so many spins it was rediculous. 2 fs 10's and only one straight air...then skiing it was dumont busting his 20 feet stuff, personally i think the snwbrder run was way radder and i would prefer to see skiing go the way of style and tech diff rather then gigantor hits.plus just because a snbrd jibbed a tree first doesn't mean when we do we are trying to copy them. jibbing a tree is rad and anyone creative enough could have figured that out..it just might have happened to be a border. i think it is tottally the right thing to follow snbrding path especially because the guys leading the sport aren't idiots like tanner.
Posts: 2301
Karma: 16
why dont you post a new trick you fucking clown, instead of bitching about it
Dear Mitch-
If you are holding this letter you already know, the house has been boarded up.The windows, the doors, everything. We're at the Comfort Inn, room 112. I love you.
Posts: 4057
Karma: 31
what it comes down to is that most snowboarders are more creative than skiers.
it seems like this stage of life for a lot of people around our age is like when you are playing a video game and you beat the Final Boss, only to find out that was just a decoy Final Boss and the real Final Boss is about 50x harder. and on top of that, you used all your special tricks to beat the Decoy, and you are also low on life. and you have a crappy third party controller.
Posts: 53
Karma: 10
i snowboard but i watched a snowboarding/skiing vid with a pal of mine and the skiers looked way sicker.. although the snowboard grinds were better.
Posts: 1175
Karma: 330
you are definitely right in a lot of ways we gotta diversify a little more but when it comes down to jibbing things its not like theres more things to jib
weve alreday been jibbing a lot of the things that are possible to jib on and the only things we can progress on are doing the things that seem more crazy to us like getting an unnatural ten the day i see that out of a skier im hoping it will be before a snowboarder and itll make every more and more excited about the sport but i really think that some of the things are impossible to go down a different route with but we just gotta keep getting more and more creative to progress it even more in our own way of doing it and when that happens skiing will be so much more sick that it already is
Posts: 204
Karma: 9
Posts: 469
Karma: 10
i agree with lanks, snowboarding is cooler accept it, if the tricks are the same and skiers can do them then boarders usually give props, which mean we dont need to get new trick names or any of that bullshit seperating our selves from snowboarders more makes us come off less cool......respect gets respect.....
C'mon out Bart, It's windy
Posts: 1261
Karma: 29
snowboard jibbing is so dope, that the best thing we can hope to do is to emulate it.
Posts: 2619
Karma: 22
i think snowboarders r usually smoother then skiers, but i think corked on skis and switch on skis is way cooler then on a snowboard. and the skiing progression is already there, there are a ton of tricks snowboards cant to the skiers r doing. for example one footer grinds and i dont care what ppl say one footer grinds r way cool and way technical
Posts: 420
Karma: 10
double twister seven twenty. thats wwwhere its at
Posts: 1312
Karma: 10
so boarders make it up then skiers do it way better then them, i like it that way
Posts: 2607
Karma: 123
jcdunn, twas a joke brah........
do the chickens have large talons?
Posts: 64
Karma: 13
I'm too lazy to talk good and stuff. I mean I don't care if I talk like a snowboarder.
Posts: 325
Karma: 10
stop suckin dick
Posts: 15084
Karma: 732
if you do a 1 footed grind on a snowboard you get props
if you do a 1 footed grind on skis you get called gay
As long as we stay away from rollarblading its all good
*Welcome to the dub ski radio show*
no, all of my friend snowblade 2, skiing is gay, y do u need poles? snowblades r sick. - linesnowblades
Posts: 621
Karma: 33
get in the air and start spinning one direction. stop. then start spinning the other direction
Posts: 28699
Karma: -5,563
Skiers are different man. We have two boards attached, they only have one. Duh people.
----2ond in Command of DANSA-----
To Huck. v. The act of throwing oneself off of a cornice, cliff, rock, or any other thing that results in an attempt to fly.
If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.
GW Award December 3, 2004
Posts: 1623
Karma: 15
why dont you post a new trick you fucking clown, instead of bitching about it
D BREES 101 Cult
Land Shark eeee eee eee
Posts: 4057
Karma: 31
whoa whoa whoa, who here is giving props to snowboarders doing one footed grinds? stop that right now.
it seems like this stage of life for a lot of people around our age is like when you are playing a video game and you beat the Final Boss, only to find out that was just a decoy Final Boss and the real Final Boss is about 50x harder. and on top of that, you used all your special tricks to beat the Decoy, and you are also low on life. and you have a crappy third party controller.
Posts: 4987
Karma: 345
make love, not war.
Posts: 1771
Karma: 27
lets see snowboard freestyle ------> first to do tricks thenskiing freestyle------->takes names for snowboarding tricks
i hope this helps
'kevin whyed nils pull you out?' 'Cuz i was touchin bitches.' 'No seriously why did he put scott in for you.' 'Scott doesn't touch bitches.'
Viva Candide
Posts: 5501
Karma: 20
Thats so stupid all Xtreme sports have roughly the same trick names! Quit possibly becuz the tricks are the same. Should we not call 360s -360s? Stupid thread sports are the same in basic terms lets progress together. And if we are goin to get technical skiers were doin backflips and 360 long before the snowboard was even around. So write a letter to all snowboarders tellin them they cant do 3s or flips becuz we could do them first, or just get a life.
Pete is currently sulking around Mt. Hood, shooting with Poor Boyz Productions and hitting on Kristi Leskinen. She hates guys, Pete lamented, so it’s not going good. Apparently Canada isn’t the only thing that’s tough for Pete to get into.
Posts: 317
Karma: 10
I think the new tricks are gonna have to involve tweaking each ski in REALLY weird ways. Not just crosses and stuff.
Get a FREE iPod.
Posts: 332
Karma: 14
Skiing has nearly twice as many moves as snowboarding
akl-ripley ripper-
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