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Panasonic G85 vs Sony A6300
Posts: 18
Karma: 140
I'm looking for recommendations on one or the other of these two cameras specifically to be used for filming skiing - both are at a price of around $700 right now and I want to decide which to pick up before the coming season. I've watched some reviews and read some comparisons but I would personally be more interested in knowing how these cameras perform specifically for filming skiing because that's what I intend to mostly use it for.
I'll list a few of the pros and cons of each that I've heard from comparisons:
Panasonic G85 pros:
great image stabilization
better battery life
good lens selection
Panasonic G85 cons:
slow autofocus
max of 4K 30/ 1080p 60
Sony A6300 pros:
can film in 4K 60/ 1080p 120 (G85 only films 4K 30 or 1080p 60)
larger sensor
fast autofocus
Sony A6300 cons:
bad battery life/overheating when filming video
rolling shutter issue
no image stabilization
If any of you have used either of these two I would really appreciate hearing what you guys think!
Posts: 721
Karma: 4,488
The a6300 also only shoots 4K 30, not 60fps. Neither of them are really better than the other, it just comes down to what you want in a camera. Panasonic’s image stabilization is actually incredible, but that may not matter as much to you if your shooting on a gimbal or glidecam or whatever. On the other hand, I LOVE having 1080 120. I think it looks super professional and just dope having that extra bit of slo mo. Like you mentioned, I really like the micro four thirds lens selection compared to Sony. Also as you mentioned as well, the autofocus on the a6300 is really reliable where as it’s not as great on the g85 but not bad either.
Posts: 479
Karma: 3,676
I have had the a6300 for a year and a half and NEVER have regretted it! Such a solid camera. Yes the battery life sucks, but just by a bunch off amazon and you’re set. Absolutely love the camera and the quality of the images are outstanding! Can’t say enough good about it! Love the slog and low light too.
Posts: 9932
Karma: 9,411
I would easily pick a A6300 any day over any of the low end m4/3 cameras, g85 included
I've dealt with the same shitty np-fw50 batteries for my A7Sii/Rii and like HERO said you just load up a bunch of cheap $10 3rd party ones (never pay $50/battery for the 1st party Sony ones) and you're set for pretty much all situations. You'll appreciate the larger sensor with better light sensitivity, 1080 120p, and better photo performance. When you can afford them certain Sony native E-mount glass is top notch and an arguably smarter system to invest in as you move up IMO, since theres room to grow to full frame vs being "stuck" at m4/3. Not hating on m4/3 I love my GH5 as a B-cam but wouldn't want that to be my only cam
Posts: 1072
Karma: 8,138
I’ve got an a6000 and would definitly go to the 6300 or 6500 before I switched brands
Posts: 2299
Karma: 17,742
**This post was edited on Nov 29th 2018 at 8:32:46pm
Posts: 155
Karma: 592
I have an a6300 and it’s an awesome camera! Overheating has never been an issue for me and I suspect it won’t be for you either if you’re shooting outside in winter/spring. I’ve shot at 4K 30 in 90 degree heat with no overheating problems. Having 1080p 120fps is pretty amazing too. The image quality is still great at 1080p and slowing the footage down looks dope. The AF is also lightning quick and has 3 options for speed, so you can choose the slowest setting when shooting to get smooth focus changes. Also pretty much all of the Sony lenses have stabilization and it works decently well, however, if you can throw in a little more dough for the a6500, you get ibis as well.
**This post was edited on Nov 30th 2018 at 1:21:38pm
Posts: 215
Karma: 1,207
I also have an a6300 and couldn't recommend it enough. I'll skip saying the things everyone else has already said because I agree with all of them. I'm not familiar with the G85 so can't comment on that, but some additional things I love about the a6300: weather reisitant* (I've drenched mine in rain/snow and never had an issue, your milage may vary), if you shoot log at all the slog2 profile is great for post color correction. The small body of the camera is great for a cage to attach mics, grips, monitors to to customize. If you put some good glass in front of it it will take some incredible photos as well. Some of the won't apps you can download for it are kind of pointless/overpriced, but some of them are actually pretty handy.
While battery life is nothing to brag about on it, if you use a prime lens with manual focusing you can stretch out the battery a lot longer than with AF, power zoom. Love using the rokinon 12mm with it for this reason.
Posts: 14
Karma: 35
Not gonna write a whole lot, but I have the a6300 and I love it, the g85 is pretty equal and I could go either way, but the one big reason I went with the a6300 is the slo mo. The 120fps in 1080 is unbeatable and I always shoot in it. If you get a couple extra batteries you should be set. I only really wish it had in body stablization (the a6500 does), but if the shot isn't too wide it looks fine. A stabilizer is going to be my next purchase. I have the sigma 30 f1.4 and the videos and pictures it produces are so clear and the background blur (bokeh) is butter. Good luck!
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