Replying to Texting and Driving
It's getting out of control. I'll admit I'll use my phone from time to time, but not like some of these people on the roads today. Everyday on my commute, I see people going 10 under in the fast lane, or swerving and when I pass them, surprise they're face deep in their lcd screen. Everyone is doing it too, young and old. Cars, semis, busses, and even saw a motorcyclist once. It's so easy to pick out the cars who are distracted drivers.
Yesterday was outrageous driving in holiday traffic. I saw this car swerve off the road and back on multiple times because they were texting. I've almost been hit my multiple semis in the last couple years because they were texting and driving.
Maybe it's natural selection at its finest, but something more needs to be done. People already can't drive as it is...
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