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Not really. There's a difference between glancing at your phone and staring into your phone. Im not saying texting and driving is good. But it's more the people that are either super sucked into the world inside the screen, or loose attention spans to driving.
I remember almost getting in a bad crash because somebody dropped a cd on the floor and actually looked and bent down looking for it and we almost smoked cars at a stoplight at 70. Us screaming got him up enough to swerve slightly off and slow down enough to not.
Personally, the jacket I'm wearing, the cheeseburger I'm eating, my music, a text, anything will always be so backseat to driving. If it's anything that requires thought in reading or reply it waits till I can pull over or rest area.
Also really bad on the laws part for making talking on a phone illegal. That pushed a lot more people to text. Holding a phone and talking on it, not texting should 100% be legal. You can use a hands free phone while eating a food and that's fine even though it requires more effort. Having a phone in your hand or not has little impact. Other than people that would hang onto thier phone rather than drop it and 2 hand the wheel.
If people want to target anything.
IF you're driving in rain, snow, mountains etc and not using them you're an asshole but it's so common it's scary. Even police and large trucks. The difference in spotting a vehicle with and without lights is insane.
I've never seen police target a merge in my life. People wait till the last second and follow the white line. Then throw their hands up like "Well my lane ends, what should I have done?" I've had too many people no signal legit pull into my lane. Happened at least 10 times. Luckily I anticipate people being cunts and have been able to react in time and had space to do so. People that speed in left lane when signs say "Left lane ends in __" then at the last second cut off cars. That merge can directly cause an accident or the fact that someone has to slam brakes creates a traffic jam, and many accidents happen when traffic piles up.
Unfortunately it seems like highway patrol would rather jerk off in their car waiting for it to alert them of somebody going 10 miles an hour over the speed limit than worry about those things.
But yeah, texting isn't good but I'm still going to do it, but with the amount of effort of changing a cd or chowing a burrito.