paperboyI'll probably get it in 2 years when it's 5$.
Haha that's about the only think you can count on with battlefield. I used to do that but then wasted my money on BF1 and was highly disappointed.
I ended up playing the whole campaign, ok. Then played 1 day of multi-player and gave up cuz it was so bad. They've changed a lot of things from BF1 including removing random bullet deviation which is awful. I just read today that there will be no premium mode so that's good as that was another $60 you'd have to spend to keep playing the game. They removed in game purchases to unlock weapons (good cuz I've always hated that people could just skip progression in games like cod and have the best guns while you're out struggling the hard way).
I would read up on the game if you don't know anything about it cuz there's a lot of new and changed things this year. The battle royale mode has promise cuz dice is know for having large maps and being able to manage them. The delayed date allows them extra time to figure bugs out. They successfully (not initially) have games with 64 v 64 with no bugs. This mode will be their biggest map yet, which is saying a lot, complete with vehicles. I can't stand PUBG cuz it's so buggy. Cod had no hope because they're used to small maps with small numbers of players.
I played the beta, and while it wasn't great, it was better than bf1 imo. I believe they changed some things from the beta to now because of complaints.