Replying to How do you buy a laptop in 2018
title says it. my fiancee and I both have macbook pros from 2009 and 2012. mine's the older of the two- has shit battery, barely responds, and is too old to update anything (cannot update iTunes, any internet browser, etc). use it more or less just for downloading movies so I don't have to worry about any potential viruses/issues. my fiancee's is less shitty, but turns off if tilted wrong (think it fell at some point), and is overall going downhill. we're looking to invest in one laptop, probably buy on black friday.
we're both out of school and have no interest in gaming/graphic design. we'll be using it mostly for internet, watching movies on hulu/netflix/prime, and using microsoft office (power point, excel, word are a must).
at this point I'm so far removed from knowing anything about computers, I figured I'd ask around. I saw an HP for about $400 that might do the trick. don't think we need another expensive macbook, but do like the idea of longevity (ours lasted between 6 and 8 years roughly). probably 150gb+ storage, ?8gb ram. I don't use a lot of "cloud storage" so my dick pics don't flop all over the internets. not opposed to any particular OS as long as it does the above. I've heard stories about shit trackpads and overall poor hardware quality, hopefully will find some advice along those lines as well. also, I think touchpads are stupid and don't need another tablet or that kind of functionality. in terms of screen size, we have 15in MacBooks I think- something along that size is fine. rather not have something too much smaller or larger.
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