While reading the post about how much skiers get paid now a days, I saw posts that talked about how many pro's there were, and how many pro's there are now, and then something hit me. The main ski movies now feature entirely different skiers than those in X games/Dew Tour/ ETC. This got me thinking, I would bet that this is what killed ski movies, even more so than the readily available content on the internet. Now hear me out here, Let's go back say 10 or so years ago, I remember that all of my friends and I wouldn't miss a ski movie premier, It was a true social gathering to see old friends and meet new ones, and the movies were always sold out. Today, most premiers I go to have plenty of seats to spare and seamingly hardly any buzz.
My reasoning for thinking that the down fall in attendees and down fall of ski movies correlates with the main contest pro's no longer being in movies is because of your average skiers awareness. In example, if you went in a ski lodge on a Saturday and did a survey of how many people know who (insert X games medalist) is, and who (insert current level 1 or current MSP athlete) is, it would be 5 to 1, with almost no one knowing any of the athletes currently on film rosters. Back when ski films were flourishing and premiers were packed you had segments from Tj Schiller, Colby West, Tom Wallisch, Tanner Hall and others that were killing it on the contest scene, which led to more people recognizing the names when film posters and trailers went up, Young kids who weren't super in the scene but idolized X games athletes wanted to go see there heros. The names were recognizable, Now a days unless your really plugged in on social media and newschoolers, you wouldn't recognize any of the athletes with the exception of the few who started there filming careers back when it was booming. Maybe I've just lost it, but I would be surprised if there is not any correlation. What do you all think? **End Tangents and Grammar Fails,