DeebieSkeebiesIt speaks volumes to me how impressionable a lot of the younger/current generation are or will become when it comes to these soundcloud rappers, social media, and a lot of other stuff. There's people genuinely upset and sad over his death which I sorta understand, but it goes to show how a lot of kids turn blind eyes to shit and don't want "their view" of their favorite peoples shaken up. People still played his shit constantly even with the grim details of what he did to his girlfriend that came out and all the other dumb shit he did, like saying shit like "I'm going to domestically abuse your underage sisters pussy" and how hes gonna "cum on your toddlers face" and other demonic dumb shit. He had such a giant audience, and that audience included people that wanna see you die and thats probably what happened. I mean, joe budden did warn once that this kind of stuff ends with someone getting shot in the face.
I understand why people relate to artists like this who clearly are battling mental health issues, but it just seems like he didn't really make an attempt to do anything about his issues. Like that was his "brand", the depressed moody emo rapper, and it sold well to a lot of people. At the same time, it also told people that its fine to abuse drugs and alcohol in order to cope with your issues which is a super toxic thing to promote. He let his problems run way too deep, it took over him, and he honestly just turned into a piece of shit, and used that to promote his music and for whatever reason people loved it.
Honestly if you're a young person who is battling issues and likes rap music, buys into these kinds of people, stop listening to these people promoting really bad ideas and go get help for yourself.
While I do agree, I dont think that kids now are wildly more impressionable than previous generations. I think that the emergence of fake news allows people to justify any viewpoint by using a quick a google search to confirm exactly what they think.
Secondly, while xxx's music was a new style, the controversial side of it isnt new. Espicially not in music. I mean look at Eminem. The man used to only talk about drug abuse, wanting to kill (gays), and a myriad of other topics not dissimilar from XXX.
Its successful and relatable because a large amount of the youth have dark thoughts as well. If you put that into a song it connects imediately.
I dont think that he deserved to be killed. This is not justifying his actions but he was young, had suicide surrounding him, and clearly had mental health issues that needed to be treated but instead were ignored. People will argue about what part of the accusations were true and false, which is silly because an abuser is still an abuser whether your girlfriend is pregnant or not.
What's sad is that we will never be able to see if he would have changed. He seemed to be heading in a positive direction with massive donations and community outreach. I couldnt tell you if that is just to cover his ass or if it was genuine.
In the end I dont like all the "woke" Twitter warriors talking about how he should have been killed slowly or other terrible things. Its easy to judge a dead man, and it's okay to. But its definetly less than classy to say you wanted a 20 yr old to die a slow death or get shot more just for some retweets.
Again, not defending his actions just making a point.
**This post was edited on Jun 20th 2018 at 10:34:37am