Replying to Flat 180s. The problem
Cork 180s? Awesome!
Rodeo 180s? Epic?
Flat 180s? Not so much.
99% of the time I see someone "cork 1" it's an Underflip 540. Rotate 90, up hill Sideflip, bring it to switch. Off the top of my head, prime offenders are; Dean Bercovitch (Slvsh vs Teal) Krypto Skier, and THall. I sure as hell can't underflip and that's still a dope trick but it ain't a flat 1. On Instagram somebody made the argument that it's set different, but does that matter if the rotation is still the same? For example, let's say I'm on a skateboard and my feet are setup for a heelflip, but I manage to kickflip It's a kickflip right?
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