skiermanFor someone who says its all bullshit, you sure took a lot of effort to refute my legitimate claims.
Now about those invoices you send to athletes to reimburse costs after a filming trip you invited them on... Logan Imacunt claims you're just like all the other film companies so you must do that just like MSP and TGR, right? I'm sorry but those are Logan's words and not mine. I'm really not trying to start anything here, I'm just a concerned citizen.
**This post was edited on May 11th 2018 at 5:01:10pm
Alright fine- one more post to set the record straight since I apparently didn't already provide enough info already... No production companies cover all their athletes travel costs- not in ski, snowboard, skate, surf, etc. "Pro" athletes on one end of the spectrum or the other are expected to get themselves to a shoot, pay for their share of accommodations, food, etc (with the exception of team shoots or team movies- but this is a different conversation entirely)- some have travel budgets as part of their sponsor contracts, some work summer jobs to pay for their winters, and others happen to have families that help support them- it runs the gamut.
We do everything we can to offset or take on costs, and whenever Level 1 can provide deliverables to a resort, hotel, heli or cat op, or partner in exchange for them picking up the tab we trade our time, resources, and skills for cost savings that we pass along to our riders. Whenever someone is in a pinch and doesn't have the money to pay for a plane ticket or their share of a hotel because a sponsor hasn't sent a check (this happens often) we're happy to pick up that tab with the understanding that we'll be paid back. Ever lend your friends money to help them out when they needed it? As for invoices for these costs, they're requested by riders since they need some formal way to track their expenses, whether its for tax purposes, reimbursement from sponsors that are slow to pay, or whatever other reasons they have.
Skierman you're a clown.
The end. I'm out.