Does anyone have any tips for putting scribble animations in videos? And what do y’all think about them in a ski edit?
I’m not exactly sure if that’s the right term for it but I’m talking about when you draw frame by frame and make an animated outline of something.
I have a Mac and edit with Final Cut Pro x. I’ve been using lightshot screenshot for the animations but it has its problem. Lightshot allows you to take a screenshot of the screen and draw on it. This is convienent but really the only way to do it is to screenshot the tiny preview screen, which drastically reduces the quality of the video. Also it’s insenaly time consuming doing it frame by frame. There are hardly any customization features with brush size or transparency.
I feel like there has to be a more efficient and precise way of doing this scribble effect on Final Cut Pro without compromising the video quality but I have yet to find it.
And also I could just be wasting my time with it because “scribble effect was like so 2014”
What do you guys thing?