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gucciman7tricks under 540 are so chill, why spin 7 when you can spin 5?
hot.pocketOP is too young to remember Jon Brogan 7's.
chicknfriedsteakaccidentally did my first 9 today while trying to do my first 7, 10/10 would recommend
lennybrnerYooo probably u can’t spin over 540 so calm down and practice on trampoline or water ramp!!!
It’s worth it
Rum_HamYou probably have never skied
nxtyrsfulltiltsBut his name is Gucciman7, not Gucciman5
Govygen_gourmetYou all think spinning to win is cool because it's technical but to us normal people spinning over 540 degrees just looks stupid, and sloppy, you can argue "you don't know what to look for" but the Truth is we all look at it differently.. normal people like me think that a clean shifty to 180 looks pretty cool. We all have our preferences and I prefer clean simple tricks over spinning around as if you were a gymnast or a figure skater.
Govygen_gourmetYou all think spinning to win is cool because it's technical but to us normal people spinning over 540 degrees just looks stupid, and sloppy, you can argue "you don't know what to look for" but the Truth is we all look at it differently.. normal people like me think that a clean shifty to 180 looks pretty cool. We all have our preferences and I prefer clean simple tricks over spinning around as if you were a gymnast or a figure skater.
nxtyrsfulltiltsBut his name is Gucciman7, not Gucciman5
gucciman7tricks under 540 are so chill, why spin 7 when you can spin 5?
MortbrokemyskisGet off this fucking website. You also made a thread about how rails are for pussys a while back. So everyone is only allowed to do jumps and spin less than a 5? I get that you're useless at skiing but other people like to do other shit than straight airs and shifty so don't hate on them because you suck.
**This post was edited on Mar 31st 2018 at 3:03:49pm
lennybrnerYooo probably u can’t spin over 540 so calm down and practice on trampoline or water ramp!!!
It’s worth it
lennybrnerYooo probably u can’t spin over 540 so calm down and practice on trampoline or water ramp!!!
It’s worth it
Govygen_gourmetYou all think spinning to win is cool because it's technical but to us normal people spinning over 540 degrees just looks stupid, and sloppy, you can argue "you don't know what to look for" but the Truth is we all look at it differently.. normal people like me think that a clean shifty to 180 looks pretty cool. We all have our preferences and I prefer clean simple tricks over spinning around as if you were a gymnast or a figure skater.
.DadOP can't do 7's
gucciman7You probably ride Nordica
gucciman7You probably ride Nordica
lennybrnerYeah u probably suck
Rum_HamSpit on the non believer my bruddas
-arc-4bi9 is the dimensions of op's chode
ColingarnesYeah but that's still a massive dick...
-arc-4 inches of girth and 9 inches of length?
Govygen_gourmetYoo i'll talk all the shit I want to, whos gonna stop me? Nobody lol ya'll can suck it!
who cares if youre good at skiing or not? its such a useless skill to know how to 720.. when you apply for a job interview or you reach out to a sponsor you gonna tell them "i CAN 720 HIRE/SPONSOR ME LOLZ" And they're gonna be like "720? Cool story.. now what is one way you are going to make us money, Bcuz I know of about 50 others that applied that can also 720 and are way more deserving".
Another thing I wanted to point out is how ya'll take things up the ass. You literally take dildos up the butthole, I can make a thread about anything and i'll have NSers confused about their place in the universe say something. Even when I say a joke such as "rails are for poosies". Hahaha Its amusing, to see how offended and feminazi triggered ya'll get about skiing. Pussies
**This post was edited on Mar 31st 2018 at 11:40:26pm
Rparryour "trolling" is on the level of a 4th grader who browses 4chan
chicknfriedsteakaccidentally did my first 9 today while trying to do my first 7, 10/10 would recommend