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coolflash8congratulations on the baby!
I would say just be upfront about no time and your desire to not hang with her, unless she is the kind of person to knife you in your sleep
Sno.She's a total knifer. I've seen her get really obsessively upset when she can see that someone has read a facebook messenger message but hasn't responded--so I always go "DOH!" when it pops up on my laptop or whatever and shows the "read" mark. When my brother broke up with her she de-friended him, but then immediately regretted it and tried to friend him back and sent him hundreds of messages, and then tried to pick up his teenage daughter at school. I tried to pretend I was busy by responding to her request to hangout with "I just have a ton going on" but then she was like "so next weekend, then?"-- I haven't responded yet.
coolflash8holy fuck. is she attractive?
you can tell shes cray cray given the number of exclamation marks and shit
milk_manDid your brother break up with her or did she break up with him?
theabortionatorIf shes always asking about your brother trying to be sneaky it's semi easy. Just tell her you don't mind kicking it but you're not going to give her the 411 on your brother. if that's all she wants shell ditch anyway. Or just be less and less available until she gives up.
Or just tell her you don't have time for her and don't want to hang.
Sno."look you cray."
icedYou have a baby, so say you are busy with baby stuff (ex: busy looking into daycare arrangements).
I would be straight up with her and say "I don't feel comfortable being friends with my brothers ex", or just hang out with her once and piss her off/ be boring
the possibilities are endless.
If the chick is only half insane she should screw off
Sno.He broke up with her because she became a stage 10 clinger-- she wanted to start picking his kids up for school for him and then when she would come over on a Friday she wouldn't leave until he went to work on Monday and then would blow up his phone.
Young_pattyLol just tell her she's been texting the wrong number this whole time and that you're name is mark and you live in Cleveland.
RparrWhoa now, keep this psycho bitch away from my city
RparrWhoa now, keep this psycho bitch away from my city
BubbleBuddythat probably wouldn't be too hard for anyone to stay away from cleveland
spliff.Lifebesides everyone that lives there
IsitWinterYet17Op not sure why this is a problem. You're digging yourself in with every response you give. It's Facebook for fuck sakes! Just don't respond. And fun trick, you can make your activity status on messenger invisible to specific people. So it shows you're always offline. You can even set all your Facebook posts to not be able to be read by specific people. Don't respond and just ignore her. Don't even open up the message. She will sizzle down and eventually go away. I've dealt with a few people like that on Facebook; the more you respond, the worse it gets. If you stop responding, you will get a hundred messages, but eventually it will stop.
Either she'll get the memo and stop talking to you, or drive to your house and kill you and your baby. Either way bitch is crazy and needs to be shed sooner than later. You don't want to see the day when a stage 10 clinger metamorphs into a stage 10 psycho stalker.
BubbleBuddyyou spelled steadily declining population wrong
NZeskimobroDoes half the people here have social autism or something
IsitWinterYet17Yes and they also don't use proper grammar either.
IsitWinterYet17Yes and they also don't use proper grammar either.