nosebutter.exe270's on are all about making sure to pop off your tails. Many people sort of freak pout and just jump which puts your noses in harms way. you want to sort of press onto your tails a bit on the takeoff to preload them, then spring off of them for your pop. Normallly, successful 2's on end up where you land on the rail leaning a bit forward too. Not always, just sort of a convenient position to be in once you land to balance through the rest of the rail. Go watch someone like Keegan Kilbride 2 onto a rail and where his weight is at what points, as well as where his shoulders are and where he's looking.
Yesterday I tried and tried, never really got it but I think that one of my problems might just be the pop. I doesn’t really come that high up in the air, at least not from what I see in my video. Scary thing with the 2 on especially when you have to slide with the wrong foot first!