What you'll need:
-Around a $700 budget but thats cheaper than any winch you can buy professionally
-HORIZONTAL ENGINE 200cc+ or 6.5hp+ (predator gokart engine work really well.)(harbor freight is a good website)
-Centrifugal CLUTCH or torque converter (make sure you know you engines shaft diameter)
-Gokart CHAIN so a 31,40,41 I think. Get extra long so you have plenty, you can always shorten
-SPOOL you can buy from ridiculous winches. Their premade ones are very nice other wise you can manufacture your own.
- ridiculous winches 1"in diameter KEYED AXLE
- a 1" bore 50-60 tooth SPROCKET
- a GAURD to cover your spark plug cap (made mine out of a big jug)
- 1/8" 100'+ NYLON ROPE
- something to hold onto, face masks work good. Wake board handles are scary as shit and will blow up in the fairlead
- 24' of STEEL 2" square tubing
-a WELDER, friend, yourself, or a shop
I will try to include images of all these parts. almost everything can be bought on amazon.
Amazon: pillow blocks, centrifugal clutch, rope, chain, fairlead
Ridiculous winches: spool and hub kit + axle + sprocket
Harbor freight: engines
Locally sourced: steel (you can find 2 12' pieces so you can transport it doesn't need to be a full 24)
Design idea: https://www.google.com/amp/www.instructables.com/id/Homemade-Wakeboard-Wakeskate-Winch-From-BeachWinc/%3famp_page=true
I'll try to include photos of mine if I can figure it out, I'll probably put it on my profile too!
**This thread was edited on Feb 26th 2018 at 1:11:30pm