Replying to HELP - Snapped pivots on first use
So here's the low down. I bought new skis this fall and had then mounted at a local place. Finally got to using them as they are wider skis and got some snow here. Go to kick in and its a struggle. Get one in and the other won't go. Try to force it and end up bending and snapping the arm on the rear binding. After taking the still good one off, I decided to try and put it back on. Bent that one too. My almost brand new(used once) pivot 18's are shot. It looked like when trying to click in, they were stretching the rear piece to the limit. MY QUESTION IS CAN THEY MOUNTED TO CLOSE THAT YOUR NOT WILL CATCH THE ARM AND SNAP IT? I bought them a couple years back so I believe the warranty on them are gone. I have another pair of fks 18 and haven't had issues for the five years I've had them. Thoughts anyone?
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