Casey99% Percent Chance that Pence is secretly gayer than a 3 dollar bill
It's kind of funny/fucked up how many of the anti gay reps are actually gay. It makes sense though. I remember this kid in my home town was kind of a douche. This one time at the ice cream stand these two guys our age were getting ice cream. Didn't even see anything that suggested they were together but whatever. And he was like "Look at those f*ggots" and went on about it. I really couldn't understand why. Nobody had even noticed them or said anything about them. It was just out of nowhere. It seemed so random and unnecessary.
Then maybe a year later he heard that I was gay, and started texting me asking if he could suck my dick. I thought it was a joke at first or some weird prank or trying to beat me up or something. But it was legit. I cut off contact with him because it got really annoying after a while. He's dating a girl though and running logging equipment now, probably as homophobic as ever, and trying to take any dick he can find.
But the night at the ice cream place and other stuff he said mixed with that always kind of made me shake my head and chuckle.
Def seems like people that wish they weren't gay, feel ashamed, etc can have that tendency to be homophobic. Obviously there are plenty of straight people that are as well, because they're ignorant, but the gay people hating gays is just stupid.
There was a documentary about this gay guy that was outing politicians that were anti gay. I can't remember if it was any good, but a cool concept. I'm not generally one for outing people, but if you're going to vote against gays, talk about how homosexuality is horrible, but secretly hook up with dude? I'm totally cool with those people being outed. Damn hypochristians