oh, and some advise - just because people like the designs doesn't mean they'll sell. we've run into this problem before where we'll do a lot of research on a design, get opinions, and, if and only if the research we did yielded and positive responce, put in and order for them. but we didn't sell a whole lot. a good way to think about it - if YOU think that you would actually BUY the shirt if you saw it, then make it. if you just like the design, then definately get opinions on it, and even then second guess the decision to make it anyway.
another thing - you're bottom line will be a lot better off if you do your own production, that way you're not sitting there with an inventory that you can't sell. of course you need to know how to do your own printing. quality is a whole different topic.
there's a lot of factors that you need to take into account, then ask yourself if it's really worth undertaking.
'yeah line stuff blows, i got a pair of the new pollards and once i took the wrapper off they spontaneously combusted' - schlonginator
junkapparel... we make clothes.