Sometimes mystery adds to the clout...
Like Johan Berg, goes to slvsh cup final, but have seen almost nothing from him since. Thought he was on the comp circuit, but, and I could be wrong, doesn't go to a single World Cup event this year. If this means he's filming some dank shit that would be hype.
Eric Johansson, drops dopest edit of all time and no one has seen him since pretty much
Joffrey Pollet Villard, so mysterious, he would wear balaclavas during comps just so people wouldn't see his face. Had the boostiest pipe runs of all time, pretty sure he broke a world record, IG indicates hes still skiing, but where?
Christian Allen, had the Slime series, not sure if he's mysterious or just sort of out of the game
Charlie Owens, posts a clip of him skiing here and there.
Zam Matchett?