- lens was scratched while opening box, used em for a week
frame 9.5/10 ~no flaws found
strap 9.5/10 ~no flaws found
lens 8/10 ~center scratch is only a big deal looking down at your phone, looking down the mtn it fades out
$50 ~ Flight Canopy
- compiled from spare parts laying around
frame 10/10 ~New Jfit
strap 8.5/10 ~Minimal wrinkles by rigger ends
lens 10/10 ~Never been used
- used half a season
frame 9/10 ~some signs of mascara on the nose foam
strap 9/10 ~no flaws found
lens 8/10 ~Black Iridium has some scratches they don't impede vision
lens 9/10 ~Hi Yellow no flaws found, used a handful of times
- H.I. Amber Polarized lens, gold riggers, retro stretch strap
frame 7/10 ~relatively clean, top 2 vents foam torn, side foam bit compressed
strap 8/10 ~bit dirty on the edges, no stretch wrinkles
lens 6/10 ~they've got bunch of little scratches, noticeable while wearing
- they're used...
frame 7/10 ~Frame/Riggers could use some magic eraser
strap 7/10 ~strap is decently good, some stretch curvature
lens 5/10 ~OG pink iridium, inner lens midway cracked scuffs on right side too
**This thread was edited on Jan 28th 2018 at 10:45:54pm
**This thread was edited on May 11th 2018 at 4:59:11pm