Replying to 2018 New Year's Skiing Resolutions
So, we are creeping up on New Year's and it's getting to be that time to make some resolutions. Figured it's as good a time as any to write down some goals for the 2018 season so we can have them on paper. Something to look forward to! Can be getting a new trick, skiing a new line, having fun... whatever you want that will make your season as good as it can possibly be!
here are mine:
- ski Big Couloir at Big Sky
- get 15 days in this season
- spin off a natural feature
- work on some basic backcountry skills (touring, beacon practice, probe & shoveling practice)
- do a mellow BC tour
- have fun
- stay healthy
let's hear it! what are your 2018 New Year's Ski Resolutions?
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