IsitWinterYet17It's a cool sounding stat but if you think about it, that's 14.2% of my life to take 0.063% of the world's cars off the road. And that's only if the entire country does this. The USA is a drop in the bucket as we are only 4.3% of the population. No thanks. If the world decides they want to do something significantly effective to work on global warming like going vegan, I'll support, but not gonna drastically change my life for something that won't make a lick of difference.
There's plenty of days Americans including myself go meatless without even thinking. The vegan days are what doesn't happen; I enjoy dairy and eggs.
How is this 14.2% of your life spent any differently just because you’re eating a bean burrito instead of steak one? Just curious.
If you want to reduce your impact then stop placing the responsibility on ‘The entire country’. The truth is that animal agriculture is responsible for more greenhouse emissions then the entire transportation sector, and it’s one of the most efficient ways for you to reduce your carbon footprint. Nobody’s asking you to spend
30 grand on some solar panels or to ride a bike to work every day, just to try some new foods and be healthier overall.
I get it that going vegan seems seems like every meal is a new hassle, but the truth is that once your routine is established your day to day life will be unaffected. If you’re not interested then I don’t want to waste your time or mine, but if that’s all you got then I would definitely consider looking further into this.