I have a friend who did incredible amounts of damage on and off the slopes. He was also known across the land for also packing serious heat in the ock department. Yet one day he was throwing down far to many hammers, deadset shit you not like hand dragging all over the joint bucarking style. You had to be there. Then out of no where he gets a pair of J skis. Not only did he look like a flat out virgin but his skiing basically fell off a cliff (get it). I initially was like in a positive tone, "hey dont worry beast you'll get back do doing those greasy hand drags". But i hate to say it he didn't. You think this J skis curse has ended here but hate to break it to you, your wrong. As we were hitting the showers after a shit day at park city his towel just slipped off and there i saw it. He went from packing, minimum 6 inch on the flop now deadset not even to be talked about, it was miniscule. Later that night after deleting and backspacing numerous cold ones it was looking up. He pulled a meaty fun loving rum pig yet he was only allowed try and tap any cervix's and just had to munch rugs because his prong wasnt gonna satisfy this large heifer's needs. As the following states you can clearly see that purchasing J skis will act as a very good virginity protector so if your of the age of 10 and not down to suck any toes and get freaky purchase some J skis.
Peace Hombres