Taking a trip to utah in January so I bought this a couple weeks ago, then just decided to take a job coaching for the winter so I will be able to score free tickets through that and no longer need these tickets. They work any day of this season and it's a RFID card so you just put it in your pocket and can go straight to the lifts. These are no longer for sale on the Brighton site the deal ended Oct 31. More info here - http://www.brightonresort.com/buy-tickets/day-tickets/
I paid $275 so each day comes out to $55 which saves you $30 compared to the walk- up rate of $85, and I'm just trying to get my money back at this point so $275 or maaaaybe a trade will take them. Open to any offer but really looking for a 190ish length 110-115 width pow ski or frame bindings/ skins
PM or comment if you have any questions about it, thanks!