IsitWinterYet17Google "counter strike championship and scroll through some team photos. You might want to rethink this phrasing. Yes there are fit gamers, but in my experience they are either skinny or flab. Gfto. Mr. 99% hahaha you joke
In response to the op, this shit is insane that they are even considering it. Sure if they want to make a virtual Olympics then by all means go for it. ...but never call it a sport. NASCAR is more of a sport than this, and I can't stand NASCAR.
Think about the origins of the Olympics...
Ok, maybe bit of an exaggeration, but I wouldn't say your average park skier is nothing more than that either. Just to clarify, I personally don't think video games should be considered as a "real" olympic sport and have events in the actual olympics, but rather have a seperate event, like "elympics" or something lol. I just find it funny that people here bash on competition skiers who actually work out and then criticise esports for not enough athleticism. I truly, truly don't think members of the Bunch for example are any more fit than an average video gamer.
I think it's underappreciated how much effort it actually takes to play games as a profession. Yes, you can be unfit and play, but that's not giving any longetivity in your career, since it's actually physically and mentally demanding to play a lot. Even injuries come to play if you don't excercise at all (back, wrist injuries).
But then again, many people don't recognize many things, such as poker, snooker, or even golf and Formula 1 as real sports. The spectrum of sports is enlargening all the time, it's debatable if that's a good thing. The fact is that there's so much money involved in the gaming industry, so I guess the Olympics want a piece of that. Idk