Rum_HamBump was waxing my skis for this season and thought of this stuff. Anyone thinking of getting it.
The Phantom 2.0 is out now. Claim faster curing time.
Personally I will never use the stuff.
If you do use it, it's not going to work well on an extruded base. It's meant for sintered bases.
If you use it, you will never get wax into your base ever again.
So when you are dissapointed, you are just going to be screwed.
The stuff is only going to perform so-so. There are many factors to a fast well gliding base.
Anyway for some folks who don't ski much and never wax their skis, they will probably be okay with it.
There's over 500 comments in a thread about the stuff here.
This is from DPS's FAQ's on the stuff.
"Your skis or snowboard will retain a glossy black appearance after a
Phantom application. After thirty days or so of use, any base material
will begin to look “dry” as snow abrasion starts take its toll. At this
point, a stone grind will freshen the appearance to new."
So my take on this is that just as an abraded ski base will become slow, so will this stuff. I guess if you want to have the skis stone ground every 30 days, then go for it.
Fact is if you properly maintain a ski base with frequent waxing, the base should never become abraded and look grey and hairy.
I have skis that have been skied countless days and are very old, yet the bases look good as gold still because I wax, scrape, and brush them on a regular basis. Before I wax I make sure the bases are CLEAN by using
Swix Glide Wax Cleaner, or at least brush them out real good first if the snow was clean and fresh.