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I've been seeing a lot of ads on YouTube that are tying to get Trump impeached. If you support this, on what reasons? Try to have a nice debate in the comments, NS.
None of the current things are more than just publicity stunts to say the person drawing papers is really against him.
The big push will come when the FBI investigations against him come back with evidence or not.The current talks are fruitless. The FBI investigations will be the key. But, its a double edge sword because Pence may be way worse because he has the same insane, racist political views, but he is a politician, so he will actually be able to get insane things done.
When I voted for trump I thought there was a slight chance he would actually be presidential when he got in office and do real shit. Trumps been a bitch since day 1 of inauguration but i don’t want him impeached cause that fuck pence is batshit crazy
My roommate from last year was from Indiana where Pence used to be governor and he wants Trump to step down so Pence can completely fuck up the country like he did to Indiana. Hes an anarchist
50KalI don’t think he will get impeached, but him resigning is a very real possibility.
Why would he resign? He gets to be a twitter moron that everyone sees (which he likes) and golfs or vacations every other day. Why would he choose to leave that?
I really want to stay away from this thread with a 10 ft pole.. but I believe that the law states that if Trump is impeached of a 'high crime,' that the whole cabinet is then removed. For example, if he were impeached for collusion with a foreign adversary, this would classify as a high crime and Trump, Pence and the whole circus will be out of a job.
bannon says he gives trump 30% odds of making it to full term, and that impeachment is less of a threat to him than the 25th amendment. for whatever that's worth!
PBraunsteinI really want to stay away from this thread with a 10 ft pole.. but I believe that the law states that if Trump is impeached of a 'high crime,' that the whole cabinet is then removed. For example, if he were impeached for collusion with a foreign adversary, this would classify as a high crime and Trump, Pence and the whole circus will be out of a job.
Oh sweet, I didn't know that. Would there wind up being another election or how would all that go down?
PBraunsteinI really want to stay away from this thread with a 10 ft pole.. but I believe that the law states that if Trump is impeached of a 'high crime,' that the whole cabinet is then removed. For example, if he were impeached for collusion with a foreign adversary, this would classify as a high crime and Trump, Pence and the whole circus will be out of a job.
Pence is in a voted position, not appointed. We vote the president and vice president together. The cabinet may go, but the vice president and speaker of the house dont.
If there were a clear enough case for him to be impeached they would have been able to collect enough evidence by now with how much attention and publicity it has been given.
milk_manIf there were a clear enough case for him to be impeached they would have been able to collect enough evidence by now with how much attention and publicity it has been given.
no, that's not true at all, special counsels investigations take a long time.
it could take 3 years for any dirt to come up. or it could take 3 years and nothing may come of it, but only time will tell.
these are the lengths of past special counsel investigations tho. a lot of them take two or three years to investigate fully.
brotono, that's not true at all, special counsels investigations take a long time.
it could take 3 years for any dirt to come up. or it could take 3 years and nothing may come of it, but only time will tell.
these are the lengths of past special counsel investigations tho. a lot of them take two or three years to investigate fully.
This graphic isn't relevant. The numbers are numbers but they don't pertain to impeachment. Most of these stay open because they're searching on and on even though they aren't finding anything. Unfortunately, that isn't relevant. The Whitewater investigation didn't even come up with enough evidence that would have gotten Clinton impeached. Take a look at the Watergate timeframe. That's how long it should take. Or if a president lies under oath then it takes a few days.
This graphic would be relevant only if it included investigations that would have ended with a president being impeached.
You're right, it could take 3 years for dirt to come up. But not dirt that would cause impeachment
Bill Clinton survived all of this and still to this day remains a very well-regarded President. Even his sleazy, scummy wife almost managed to get elected President, despite scandals of her own. Point being, impeaching a President is a very tall order.
There was an interesting editorial in the New York Times a few days ago about the possibility of impeaching Trump but also getting rid of Pence. I'm too lazy to find it but the gist of it was that if it can be proved that Trump illegally conspired with foreign agents to win the election than Pence is also an invalid Vice President who could be removed from office. This would leave Paul Ryan as President who would probably appoint a Democratic VP before resigning, essentially installing a democrat as president. Constitutionally, it's valid but the fact is that the basis of the plan is flawed. Trump didn't conspire with Russia, that's becoming clearer and clearer by the day. Aside from that Fake News there's no legitimate case to impeach Trump especially considering we have a GOP congress.
I think there's a distinction that people need to make between seeing the horrible things that Trump says and does, listening to his constant lies and thinking, "this fucking guy should not be the President, it's objectively bad for the country." While that may be true it's going to take incontrovertible evidence of Trump willingly committing felonies to move congress toward impeachment. Clinton was caught lying under oath to a grand jury and the Republican congress could only get half way there.
Of course he lied about getting action on the side, he didn't want to get caught!
milk_manI hope u realize this makes you one of the extremes
Impeachment will likely never happen, he will surely never step down, he's sly enough to avoid committing any high crimes, so we can only hope his mental state degrades to the point where he is deemed mentally disabled and unfit for office thus invoking the 25th, or that his diet of cheeseburgers and coke (pick one) will actually kill him. In any of which case, yeah we'd have Mike Pence as president, the closeted, self-hating-gay born-again Christian.
kingsskierNone of the current things are more than just publicity stunts to say the person drawing papers is really against him.
The big push will come when the FBI investigations against him come back with evidence or not.The current talks are fruitless. The FBI investigations will be the key. But, its a double edge sword because Pence may be way worse because he has the same insane, racist political views, but he is a politician, so he will actually be able to get insane things done.
Was kind of bummed when Kasich turned down vp cause then if Trump got impeached, we'd have someone sane in office, but at the same time, I totally get why he turned it down.
Impeachment will likely never happen, he will surely never step down, he's sly enough to avoid committing any high crimes, so we can only hope his mental state degrades to the point where he is deemed mentally disabled and unfit for office thus invoking the 25th, or that his diet of cheeseburgers and coke (pick one) will actually kill him. In any of which case, yeah we'd have Mike Pence as president, the closeted, self-hating-gay born-again Christian.
I find it interesting that you use hate to fight against supposed hate. Martin Luther King Jr finds its interesting, too.
-eREKTion-There was an interesting editorial in the New York Times a few days ago about the possibility of impeaching Trump but also getting rid of Pence. I'm too lazy to find it but the gist of it was that if it can be proved that Trump illegally conspired with foreign agents to win the election than Pence is also an invalid Vice President who could be removed from office. This would leave Paul Ryan as President who would probably appoint a Democratic VP before resigning, essentially installing a democrat as president. Constitutionally, it's valid but the fact is that the basis of the plan is flawed. Trump didn't conspire with Russia, that's becoming clearer and clearer by the day. Aside from that Fake News there's no legitimate case to impeach Trump especially considering we have a GOP congress.
I think that the GOP would get rid of him if the FBI came forward with solid evidence of collusion. A lot of establishment Republicans do not agree with him and spineless Paul Ryan would be advantageous to them as president because it would basically mean that the house runs the country then.
Starting the impeachmental process requires a simple majority in the house. If you use healthcare as a reference for how representatives might vote, Trump's impeachment becomes a pretty realistic possibility.
Impeachment will likely never happen, he will surely never step down, he's sly enough to avoid committing any high crimes, so we can only hope his mental state degrades to the point where he is deemed mentally disabled and unfit for office thus invoking the 25th, or that his diet of cheeseburgers and coke (pick one) will actually kill him. In any of which case, yeah we'd have Mike Pence as president, the closeted, self-hating-gay born-again Christian.
It's also interesting.. Pence would never wish death upon gay people, yet you wish death upon trump and probably pence too. Ignorance is bliss I guess
milk_manIt's also interesting.. Pence would never wish death upon gay people, yet you wish death upon trump and probably pence too. Ignorance is bliss I guess
Trump has sent missiles to foreign countries, killing people. His healthcare policy would kill people. His stance on climate change will kill loads of people. He has been accused of sexual assault and blatantly talked about sexually assaulting women. His life is no more valuable than those he will end or destroy with his position of power.
-eREKTion-Trump didn't conspire with Russia, that's becoming clearer and clearer by the day. .
Debatable, if you look at meetings that were had, and new stories emerging, I don't think it's safe to say it's becoming clearer every day. If anything it's becoming more realistic. So much sketchy shit has happened it's getting pretty out of hand.
murphyboiiiiDebatable, if you look at meetings that were had, and new stories emerging, I don't think it's safe to say it's becoming clearer every day. If anything it's becoming more realistic. So much sketchy shit has happened it's getting pretty out of hand.
So let's set the record straight, the only "evidence" there ever was implicating Trump's so called collusion was a meeting between Don Jr and a Russian. When that meeting came to light liberals were jerking themselves off screaming collusion and treason. However, when presented with evidence that Hillary Clinton was actually engaged in the illegal activities for which Trump has so dubiously been accused, they're fucking silent. Fuck your narrative, it's Zionist propaganda.
First of all, the Uranium One deal had 9 other bodies that were required to sign off on the deal before it went to the President. None of these bodies alone could veto the deal, only Obama could. And he didn't. Secondly, it is widely reported that Clinton did not sit in on this committee, she had a lower delegate in the State Dept. do so instead. This isn't uncommon either.
So, let me get this straight. Are you insinuating that every single person involved was paid off, including Obama?
Next, what is now called the Steele dossier was originally funded by Republicans, who at this time remain unknown. So no, the Clinton campaign (no fucking clue where your dumbass got the FBI from) did not commission the report, a member of the GOP did. It even said so in your fucking WaPo piece. Hell, it even said the FBI connections were dubious at best.
When CNN first reported on the dossier's existence back in January, it said the research effort was originally funded by President Trump's GOP opponents and then, when he won the nomination, by those supporting Clinton.
CNN reported back then that their sources "said that once Mr. Trump became the nominee, further investigation was funded by groups and donors supporting Hillary Clinton."
God damn, you really are stupid, and apparently anti-semitic.
Let's set the record straight. The only evidence implicating Trump is the meeting between Don Jr and a Russian Government representative. Oh, and Manafort, and Cambridge Analytica, and Sessions, and Flynn, and Page, and Slater, and then the good ole Trump organization.
K? K.
Let me edit this to say, I have no fucking clue if Trump will get impeached.
I will wait until the FBI are done with their investigation before I pass judgement.
Would I like him to be? Sure, it would hopefully return all the scum of society, both left and right, that now feel it is acceptable to promote their views upon society with no regard for alternatives.
**This post was edited on Oct 26th 2017 at 3:02:37pm
**This post was edited on Oct 26th 2017 at 3:05:40pm
K-Dot.Trump has sent missiles to foreign countries, killing people. His healthcare policy would kill people. His stance on climate change will kill loads of people. He has been accused of sexual assault and blatantly talked about sexually assaulting women. His life is no more valuable than those he will end or destroy with his position of power.
Nice logic. I guess that means that every president ever deserves to die. You're literally making yourself God, saying that you can judge whether someone deserves to live based on what they've done, or even implied apparently.
So let's set the record straight, the only "evidence" there ever was implicating Trump's so called collusion was a meeting between Don Jr and a Russian. When that meeting came to light liberals were jerking themselves off screaming collusion and treason. However, when presented with evidence that Hillary Clinton was actually engaged in the illegal activities for which Trump has so dubiously been accused, they're fucking silent. Fuck your narrative, it's Zionist propaganda.
It's clear you're a nut bag, so I'm gonna stop replying to you now.
murphyboiiiiDebatable, if you look at meetings that were had, and new stories emerging, I don't think it's safe to say it's becoming clearer every day. If anything it's becoming more realistic. So much sketchy shit has happened it's getting pretty out of hand.
Trump himself may have enough plausible deniability to get away unscathed.
Paul Manafort, tho? I'd say there's good odds he ends up in jail after this is all said and done. That dude has done some shady shit and Mueller is digging it up
milk_manNice logic. I guess that means that every president ever deserves to die. You're literally making yourself God, saying that you can judge whether someone deserves to live based on what they've done, or even implied apparently.
How did you get that from what dot said. He literally said that life is valued equally and Donald Trump should not be excluded from judgment because of his position. And anyways, we as a society judge who is deemed fit to live or die all the time; it's nothing new.
The things that Trump has done are things that all politicians do. Now, I'm not saying that it's okay but what upsets me more is how people voted for him to :drain the swamp", while in reality has just a dirty politician like almost everyone else in Washington.
LonelyHow did you get that from what dot said. He literally said that life is valued equally and Donald Trump should not be excluded from judgment because of his position. And anyways, we as a society judge who is deemed fit to live or die all the time; it's nothing new.
The things that Trump has done are things that all politicians do. Now, I'm not saying that it's okay but what upsets me more is how people voted for him to :drain the swamp", while in reality has just a dirty politician like almost everyone else in Washington.
What he said was supposed to be a justification for believing that Donald Trump deserves to die, since hamburglar said he hopes he does die.
Not about politics, it's about basic human decency. "Oh this guy makes me feel mad and the media perpetuates the idea that he hates everyone.. I hope he dies." Yuck. Go live real life if you actually believe that and get off the phone/computer/tv.
And this isn't directed at you, this is directed at hamburglar and anyone else who hopes that anyone dies.
milk_manNot about politics, it's about basic human decency. "Oh this guy makes me feel mad and the media perpetuates the idea that he hates everyone.. I hope he dies." Yuck. Go live real life if you actually believe that and get off the phone/computer/tv.
And this isn't directed at you, this is directed at hamburglar and anyone else who hopes that anyone dies.
I'm from Europe and find it very sad that your election process let you down so badly. Clinton and Trump never should have been allowed on that ticket. Most people view her as corrupt and untrustworthy and Trump is a bully with zero diplomatic experience. If he was in any other country that access hollywood tape would have destroyed him.
I honestly believe that if Obama could have run a third time he would have walked it.
He gave you healthcare, a growing economy, low unemployment, lgbt equality, environmental protection and worldwide praise. As a European, under Obama the USA was the worlds leader in human rights, democracy, climate change and business ecumen.
Republicans voted against everything he did and didn't negotiate. He wanted to bring in a jobs bill and an infrastructure plan which the GOP torpedoed after they got the house and congress seats. They ran on ACA repeal and replace but they never had a plan. Now they want to take 1.3 trillion away from Healthcare, Medicare and Medicaid and give it to the rich.
I honestly hope that Trump is as guilty as sin, I hope he and his cronies go to jail and he is booted off Twitter never to return and you can get your country back under some semblance of what it once was.