Forgive me if there's a thread that already mentions my problem. I couldn't find it.
So long story short, I'm a moron. 4 years ago, I bought Salomon Quest 90 boots in 29.0/29.5 size online (first mistake) for cheap. Hey, I was in college, poor, and didn't know any better. I THOUGHT that's what my foot size was, but I was wrong. Now that I'm out of school and able to ski more, my liners are getting packed down a bit and allowing much more movement. I knew they were a little big, but it was manageable before.
Did the shell test, and well shit I have like 2 inches gap behind my heel. My foot measured with a ruler is 26.67cm so I should probably be in 27 size boot right? My dilemma is that I just bought new skis and wondering if I should just get new boots before I mount, or if getting intuition liners will help with my fit. If the liners are a reasonable solution, I'll just do that and ride out these boots for a couple more years. I'm ok with remounting once in the future. Yes, I know boots are very important blah blah blah. Thanks
Should add that I can get liners for $100-150 versus new boots that cost an arm and a leg.
**This thread was edited on Oct 21st 2017 at 3:06:48pm