Replying to Cliche/Over Used Filler Shots
Now I'm not bashing or hating on any of these shots because you can only film so may things at a ski mountain. Also I do not really film too much and I barely edit so I hardly know any struggles of creating a good ski edit and what kind of shots to use. Recently I have been watching a lot of ski edits and similar shots keep coming up, they are becoming a bit of a cliche for ski edits. A very common one would be the person sitting on the chairlift. I have seen many variations of this shot, and there are a couple that I have enjoyed. But, when it is just the most common one it gets repetitive and boring. Another shot would be the quintessential "profile of a person breathing in the dark with the breath showing because it is cold and it looks bad ass" shot. Honestly, even though it is used a lot, and even I have used it, it still looks cool. It has fallen out of style mostly because now people have replaced it with a highly homosexual shot of them sucking on a pocket size fog machine and blowing out the vapor. These shots are overused because they are cinematic and look cool. My complaint might also be from the fact that I am a cinephile. My favorite director would be Tarkovsky, and he would use nature and film to depict emotions and complex themes without using any dialogue. It may be absurd that I am comparing an amateur ski edit with masterfully executed cinema, but in the end I am just looking for a it more creativity to make binge watching edits a little less repetitive. So what other shots are over used?
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