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generally speaking im not surprised. ive become something of a line hater over the years, i think the marketing has always been kinda derivative and impressionable-teen-oriented
generally speaking im not surprised. ive become something of a line hater over the years, i think the marketing has always been kinda derivative and impressionable-teen-oriented
Vishnu has a new ski where the top sheet is a rug pattern of some sorts... j skis has a very similar graphic that dropped after vishnus.. just kinda interesting. But now with the whole armada font, I'm wondering if it's more than a coincidence
how many skis graphics has J produced in the last 3 seasons? 100?? more then most companies produce in 10 years? I feel like you're really reaching here. Not to mention, when they design skis and when they release skis are very far apart. Considering that J has had some of the more creative topsheets as of late (and maybe ever), I don't think he has any reason or desire to steal other companies ideas.
PBraunsteinhow many skis graphics has J produced in the last 3 seasons? 100?? more then most companies produce in 10 years? I feel like you're really reaching here. Not to mention, when they design skis and when they release skis are very far apart. Considering that J has had some of the more creative topsheets as of late (and maybe ever), I don't think he has any reason or desire to steal other companies ideas.
Not reaching my dude, don't really care for either of those graphics. But they match up which just seems odd. Call it marketing, call it a coincidence.. just seems odd to me and was wondering if anyone else noticed it.
PBraunsteinhow many skis graphics has J produced in the last 3 seasons? 100?? more then most companies produce in 10 years? I feel like you're really reaching here. Not to mention, when they design skis and when they release skis are very far apart. Considering that J has had some of the more creative topsheets as of late (and maybe ever), I don't think he has any reason or desire to steal other companies ideas.
You could call the rug graphic a coincidence.. but taking another companies font?? Seems fishy
hot.pocketDo you watch other skiers for inspiration?
Artists do the same thing.
Taking a font that is used on other skis isn't "inspiration". It's copying. You and I both know that. Nothing but respect for J Lev in many ways. Wouldn't be skiing without him. I'm just saying.. something's going on.
.lenconTaking a font that is used on other skis isn't "inspiration". It's copying. You and I both know that. Nothing but respect for J Lev in many ways. Wouldn't be skiing without him. I'm just saying.. something's going on.
.lenconTaking a font that is used on other skis isn't "inspiration". It's copying. You and I both know that. Nothing but respect for J Lev in many ways. Wouldn't be skiing without him. I'm just saying.. something's going on.
The "A" has a slant to one side, that is the only similarity. It's not the exact same "A". You're reaching in the fact that you picked one letter off one graphic from J Skis and compared it to one letter from one logo from Armada.
SofaKingSickAs long as you're posting, why don't you actually give a response? That's what's cool about NS, the canned stuff doesn't really work as well
No canned answers here, I've been sessioning newschoolers since Matt Harvey started it back in 1999. Obviously the way I wrote the letter "A" in one of my ski graphics is a serious issue, thus deserving of a very deep and thorough conversation so I think it would be even better if you and lencoln could give me a call to discuss today. I'll get Hans, who runs Armada on the phone too so we can all really get to the bottom of this legitimate topic. Please email me a good time to setup the conference call I'm free anytime 10-5 EST (802) 585-1098. I look forward to talking!
JLevNo canned answers here, I've been sessioning newschoolers since Matt Harvey started it back in 1999. Obviously the way I wrote the letter "A" in one of my ski graphics is a serious issue, thus deserving of a very deep and thorough conversation so I think it would be even better if you and lencoln could give me a call to discuss today. I'll get Hans, who runs Armada on the phone too so we can all really get to the bottom of this legitimate topic. Please email me a good time to setup the conference call I'm free anytime 10-5 EST (802) 585-1098. I look forward to talking!
Hm okay, no one said it was a serious issue. Just saying you're here posting, you'd think instead of lines of bluster^ you might as well just say "well actually I liked that font because ____" or yeah suck it i stole that design from armada's secret font factory in Austria right before stealing Christmas last year, but hey we all "session Newschoolers" differently brah 🤙🤙
SofaKingSickHm okay, no one said it was a serious issue. Just saying you're here posting, you'd think instead of lines of bluster^ you might as well just say "well actually I liked that font because ____" or yeah suck it i stole that design from armada's secret font factory in Austria right before stealing Christmas last year, but hey we all "session Newschoolers" differently brah 🤙🤙
All you're gonna get is a semi sarcastic response with a link to his skis;)
Yea i dont know. I saw the "Vishwho" comment, but its still hard to draw any connection from just that comment. it could be entirely unrelated, probably is unrelated. I'm assuming its just a response to people calling him out for having a similar graphic, i dont think it necessarily proves anything. I guess even if jskis was aware of vishnu, i find it hard to believe that they were inspired by their rug ski.
JLevNo canned answers here, I've been sessioning newschoolers since Matt Harvey started it back in 1999. Obviously the way I wrote the letter "A" in one of my ski graphics is a serious issue, thus deserving of a very deep and thorough conversation so I think it would be even better if you and lencoln could give me a call to discuss today. I'll get Hans, who runs Armada on the phone too so we can all really get to the bottom of this legitimate topic. Please email me a good time to setup the conference call I'm free anytime 10-5 EST (802) 585-1098. I look forward to talking!
Who cares as long as they aren't writing armada on the bottom. Skis are skis regardless of having a similar font. J isn't dumb he wouldn't do something if it was gonna cause a problem with another brand.
I disagree, the farther you went back on NS the more likely it was that industry folks would respond casually to stuff. And no one would be offended about a post about similar graphics haha. This isn't a copyright lawsuit it's just a forum thread!
SofaKingSickI disagree, the farther you went back on NS the more likely it was that industry folks would respond casually to stuff. And no one would be offended about a post about similar graphics haha. This isn't a copyright lawsuit it's just a forum thread!
Tell me me more about how it was a worse time when MORE industry folks would talk casually on this website. Tell me more about how it was a worse time when at any given moment, there was 200 people online as opposed the the meager 20 now a days. Please, tell me more
PBraunsteinTell me me more about how it was a worse time when MORE industry folks would talk casually on this website. Tell me more about how it was a worse time when at any given moment, there was 200 people online as opposed the the meager 20 now a days. Please, tell me more
got some miscomm here i think, i wasn't saying it was worse or any of that. i thought you were saying this thread would go differently or wouldnt happen in the old days. and i was saying i dont think people would take it harshly like this one went. people chirped at/about industry folks all the time and the person himself would sometimes post candid and casual (or not) replies and the world would continue spinning.
it happens less nowadays and this thread i think has been taken as an offense when i dont really think that's what OP intended, he said he's got mad respect for j lev like all of us do. doesnt mean you cant wonder out loud about graphic similarities or question him a little. i think j lev should have just replied to the subject matter, he spent plenty of time giving non-replies. no hard feelings are necessary anywhere in this thread haha
Hello, I personally took the photo for the rug graphic and I doubt J took their idea for a graphic from Vishnu. JLev is a personal hero of mine, and although I would be very flattered if he did take inspiration from Vishnu, it was most likely parallel thinking.
Thank you good day - Parviz Faiz
VISHNUHello, I personally took the photo for the rug graphic and I doubt J took their idea for a graphic from Vishnu. JLev is a personal hero of mine, and although I would be very flattered if he did take inspiration from Vishnu, it was most likely parallel thinking.
Thank you good day - Parviz Faiz