Replying to Where do Mt Hood Tourists Come From?
I would like to know who Mt Hood's largest demographic base is. No not in terms of race, age, or social status. I would like to know more about where visitors to Hood come from.
In the Winter I know the primary visitors are from Portland, or are locals. That is prettu obvious although ocassionaly far outers come to visit.
It's the summertime I would like to know. From what I see.. and this is just at Skibowl, which is adventure park in the summer we get a lot from Washington, and California. Oregonians are the minority visitors unless locals.
At Timberline though, there are campers, racers, and guests apparently from all over the world.
If you have been to Hood this past summer, Have been to Hood any past summers, or plan to make a trip next summer, let us know what part of the world you are repping.
No need to go into specifics, state, province, country would be good enough!
Thank You 😁
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