Replying to Looking to buy a camera and I need advice
Figured I would toss this out here since the pinned thread is kind of old and not super active.
I thought I would use the form from it though just to make everything easier.
1) What is your budget? How much money can you spend right away, and do you think you can get more money to invest in the future?
I can spend $1000 right away and more later in the summer. I wouldn't by the camera right away but later in the summer once I have got some more dough to invest in a setup and still be stable otherwise.
2) What experience do you already have with cameras? Have you ever even used one before? Have you helped your friend out with his camera? Have you owned your own?
I have some experience with my father's camera which is good for photography but is unable to film. I have filmed a little myself with a camera that is very beginner and a few years older now. I have never owned my own, this will be my first investment in a nice filming/photography camera that I wont have to upgrade right away.
3) What gear, if any, do you currently have? (tripod, old camera lenses, mics, etc)
I have tripods and such but other then that I will have to purchase everything necessary. Certain things can be purchased at later dates once I have more money since I wont be filming too seriously for a few months.
4) What are you planning to shoot and how do you want to use your camera? Are you going to use this with the sole purpose of shooting skiing? or do you think you might try other stuff as well (movies, documentaries, short films, etc)
I am planning on shooting action sports but also landscape and traveling shots. Not sure how often I would do portraits and such but wouldn't be detrimentally to have access to them easily. I will probably make a few documentaries and short films as well because why not?
5) Do you want a camera that you can hand to your friends, that could or could not have film experience, and let them shoot you? or will you be doing all the filming?
It would be preferable if the camera was both advanced enough that I am able to produce quality footage from skiing and photography but I would like some of that footage to be of myself so being able to hand the camera to a friend would be dope.
6) When filming skiing, how do you tend to shoot? (follow cams, leave it on record on a tripod and hike, film from a tripod, etc)
I am a fan of the follow cams due to how easy it is and that you don't have to carry a ton of gear with you. I do occasionally use a tripod though so a mix of both would be dope.
7) What computer do you currently have/use to edit (if not currently editing, what would you most likely use)? If you can provide specifics, such as hard drive space, RAM, processor size, that would be great.
I currently have a macbook pro with a processor of 2.7 GHz Intel Core i5 and a hard drive of 256 gb. Only about 100 is available but ive got a ton of older footage and photos that I need to sort through and delete.
8) What program do you currently edit on? How familiar are you with it (1- just learning; 10- I can make tutorials and know the keyboard layout)
I currently have adobe premier that I rarely use. I would rate myself at a 2 for familiarity.
---------------------------Optional Section, for those seeking a more intensive upgrade/purchase------------------------
1) Do you think you might consider using a DSLR?
DSLR is my main option at the current moment.
2) Do you have any knowledge about the HDSLRS?
None at all
3) Do you know the limitations to using HDSLRS?
4) Are you willing to take the time to learn about a DSLR, and how to shoot with manual lenses?
Yes, that is part of the fun.
5) Again, do you want a camera that you can hand to your friends, that could or could not have film experience, and let them shoot you? or will you be doing all the filming?
Same answer as earlier.
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