eheathOP how were you shooting? frame rate, resolution, etc. Some shots look super flossy, some look muddy as fuck.
Also its good to note that stability of the camera will also effect your quality, shaky shots will look softer. You also seemed to be shooting at a pretty open f stop for most of it (to achieve shallow DOF) i would suggest shooting at least f8, even f11 for action stuff so that you can hold focus while a subject is moving. Hope that helps.
Yeah, I was mostly trying to keep it at f/4 or at slowest f/5.6. My shutter speed was insane at up to 10,000 in some shots. I might invest in some good but cheap ND filters and a mattebox just so I can keep a fast f stop and still be able to use the 180 degree shutter speed trick, because 8,000-10,000 shutter speed is a little ridiculous. And for some of the super slo mo shots I was shooting at 96 fps and its notorious for looking like shit on the gh4 unless your lighting is perfect, and for some of the shots I was facing the sun. Next time I'll stop down a little bit and see how it turns out.