Hi everyone! Just a bit of my background for a full picture. (im from UKraine, living in New Jersey, sorry in advance if some words are not properly placed, English is my second language)
i have started skiing "new school" in parks and everything relatively recent, 3 seasons ago. Im a poor dude, so going skiing 4-5 times a season is a great success for me. I have some old salomon boots from 2006, cheap atomic park skies from 2013, 30$ ski pants from Modells and oversized poles that dont have straps. Why i got into it, is because i skate inline, with aggressive skates (some dinosaurs like me may know what that is) thats why grinding on rails and boxes was not that much of a hard transition for me, i really like it, its very fun, different. And with my rollerblading background, park etiquette is a no brainer for me, therefore i always obey it.
Now going to the point. I never got into the whole industry part of it, with the clothes, the hate for "jerrys", even comments on a little clip i put out on IG of me a year ago, doing some grinds and stuff got hate, that i suck, something that you would never see in a rollerblading community, when we always encourage and show love to begginers. Of course, there are possitive coments, but the comments in many topics here put a first impression as if its a very none welcoming community. It looks as if the people must already have to be born with killing triple kink rails, wear on top notch expensive equipment and so on. Like i said, i didnt bother to care about it all, before i started reading more on here. I just hope people would be more accepting and more chill and friendly with others and be more humble. Please dont try to get me wrong, i love this sport and there are many great people, just remember that we all started from some point