Sorry I can't be of much help here, but VISA's for aussies can be tough? Okay I thought they were piss easy, and that your government must be giving out some kinda wage incentives to Canadian resorts, because you fuckers are everywhere! Not saying its a bad thing, but yah seriously I havn't been to or heard of one single big mountain resort out in Western Canada that isn't staffed by like 80% of you guys. I've heard its pretty tough for a Canadian out there to get a no experience job at a resort out there, unless they have plenty of experience. You need to talk to some of the Aussies that are doing this, maybe its some kinda secret Idk, but it definitely seems like a pretty popular option for you fellows to come out here, living and working at the many different big mountain resorts. I've always wanted to do it, cause they pay you, you get a free pass and alot of them have staff accomadation, seems like a fucking season long party bud, and ya'll seem to be loving it. Here's a few articles on it, even one specifically for whistler that im gonna read into now, maybe its only for older aussies taking a break or just graduation from college? Idk we'll see.