So anybody who hasn't seen or read the original article and video, please go and read "The Callout: Meet Jann "Gaper Puncher" Gadient + Schnuzler, Shitheads, & Schnauz".
I know my title has already triggered some of you, and i'm prepared for your immediate downvotes, but I'll get this out of the way first; what Jann did wasn't the right thing to do. I will at no point say that pushing a little Jerry is a good thing to do. What he did wasn't justified. But it's also not a big deal, and you're lying to yourself if you say you didn't initially laugh. The kid is FINE, and getting lightly pushed and falling (his din settings must have -10 to double eject so easily) is a lot less serious than getting fucking trucked by a park skiier on accident because the kid clearly doesn't know park rules or park safety. the kid is a danger to himself and to others, and i blame his parents more for not fucking realizing that the park is not the place for their child who can't even do proper turns.
Again, the right thing to do is to tell the kid and his parents, who are hopefully somewhere close to their child, that there are designated parks for the youngin's to learn to ski park, and that the 40-foot booters are not the place to learn to ski. Instead, Jann chose to be a bit of a dick, and he pushed the kid. But can we all be honest with ourselves, and admit that we have all wanted to do this to the oblivious little twerps who stand in the landing zones or on the takeoffs and threaten our safety? Most of us can reign in the initial impulse to be a dick, but it so happens this time Jann didn't, and he was a dick. But you, whoever you are reading this, have also been a dick at some point in your life. You acted on impulse before in your life. So to all the self-righteous justice warriors in the comment section of the original article saying "fuck this guy! he's an asshole and a jerk!", you are overreacting pussies, and also hypocrites. A kid got pushed w/out the slightest injury, and all of a sudden there's a witch hunt for this Jann guy. An overreaction to say the least.
But there is one giant, obnoxious dick in this story, and it's The Callout. First off, starting your title with your name like it's a podcast or series is just douchey. Stop. just stop. Ending with "You've been called out" is even worse. Did you end your article with a fucking catchphrase??? What are you, a cartoon? Secondly, you seem a bit overdramatic to run an account apparently dedicated to calling people out. A kid gets pushed and you make a whole page long diatribe against the guy? your entire article could have been summed up as: The guy was an dick.
But let me explain why you're the dick in this story, and it's not because you think Jann acted like an ass, because you're right and the points you made were all correct. You're a dick because you included his name. If you wanted to post the video and say "this guy is a dick", that is entirely true, there's no problem there. I understand that some people already knew his name from insta, but you made a point of spreading it, even including it in your title. Jann acted like a jerk and you made sure as many people on the internet as possible knew about it. you're a dick for that. The Callout, you at some point in your life were a dick, but nobody was there to spread it all over NS, FB, etc. But you saw Jann act like a jackass and you did your best to plaster him all over the site and subject him to all the hate messages and internet bullshit that happens in cases like this. You're a hypocrite for that, and this entire story is so overly dramatic that telenovela writers would roll their eyes. I hope the cameras are rolling the next time you aren't at your best, so you can have some perspective on personal privacy. Actually i don't, because people don't deserve this shit to happen to them, but you get what i mean.
So summary for all the people that skipped my long ass post; Jann didn't do the right thing, but the whole blowup reaction of "fuck jann, he's a dick" is a) overdramatic and b) hypocritical, and The Callout is the worst offender for including the name in his article and even his title. Interested to hear other people's opinions on the actual incident, the article, personal privacy, etc. try to have something more than just "fuck you" but if that's all of your opinion, go with it.